Could someone shed any light on my problem. We have two sites connected by a leased line. On one side they have a totally separate domain name to the other. Spam is coming in to the company addressed to a name that doesn't exist, but the correct domain name. The mail goes through various Notes smtp servers on that side and is then forwarded over to the other side where the domain name isn't relevant and is then delivered to someone who it wasn't addressed to. I'm sorry this is rather vague, but basically what, on the email header, does a notes server use to find the intended recipient? because I have spam being delivered to people not specified in the To: field.
Could someone shed any light on my problem. We have two sites connected by a leased line. On one side they have a totally separate domain name to the other. Spam is coming in to the company addressed to a name that doesn't exist, but the correct domain name. The mail goes through various Notes smtp servers on that side and is then forwarded over to the other side where the domain name isn't relevant and is then delivered to someone who it wasn't addressed to. I'm sorry this is rather vague, but basically what, on the email header, does a notes server use to find the intended recipient? because I have spam being delivered to people not specified in the To: field.