Please help! I have a difficulty with the way the header is sent out with regard to the mailing list of Mercury. I have some 600 receipients in the list which works well but when we send out a bulletin, the From address goes in the form
" on behalf of []" - many receipient servers consider this an illegal address form and return
>>501 <Postmaster>: sender address must contain a domain
>>553 5.5.4 <Postmaster>... Domain name required
>>554 sorry, mailfrom without @ is administratively denied
How do I get it to just send as a Modirator or as Maiser without the rest of the 'on behalf...' stuff?
" on behalf of []" - many receipient servers consider this an illegal address form and return
>>501 <Postmaster>: sender address must contain a domain
>>553 5.5.4 <Postmaster>... Domain name required
>>554 sorry, mailfrom without @ is administratively denied
How do I get it to just send as a Modirator or as Maiser without the rest of the 'on behalf...' stuff?