I have a database that has a number of duplicate addresses. I need a report that will produce one label for those duplicates. The name does not matter. It can be the first or last in the series. ANy help is apprecaited.
Create a query that Groups By the Address. This will return only one address for each set of addresses. To do this, add the address field to your query in design view then go to View...Totals on the Menu bar. Groupby the AddressField. Base your Report on this query.
Thanks Paul. I tried your suggestion. I was not able to run the query unless all the fields were "grouped by". If I understand you correctly only the one address field should be grouped by. WHen I attempt that I get a message about can run because my others fields are not aggregated. Thanks, Steve
Use group by for all of the fields you need for your labels (name, address, city, state, zip?). Don't use this query as a source for detailed data. A grouping query cannot return a field unless it is either part of the group by option or is a calculated field (ex: Sum, Count, First).
Try creating your report using the label wizard and when it asks about sorting, sort on the address. Go into the design mode of the report and open the Grouping and Sorting box. Tell Access that you want a Group Header for the address. Now cut the text boxes out of the detail section and paste them into the Group Header section. Close the detail section all of the way down and set the header section so that it is a tall as one label. You should get a print out that you like.
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