I know there is a tool to put on the client's Outlook program that shows the client how much space he is using on the Exchange server. I used to have it on an old system and I went to Tools/Server Size. Does anyone know where to get this tool? Thanks.
Go to Exchange Admin. Open the server and the n the Private info store. You will see users, number of messages and size of store.
It is not entirely accurate to the priv.edb file as it counts each duplicate email individually whereas it only stores the mail once. Hence if you add up the users it will be bigger than the edb file.
I know about it on the Exchange Server, that's how I do it now - he asks me what his size is just about every day. But this tool is added to Outlook on the client side, so the user can check his size himself.
Using Outlook 98, right click on 'Outlook Today' and select 'Properties for 'Mailbox ...'' from the shortcut menu.
When the properties dialog box displays, click on the Folder Size... button. The size of your mailbox including all subfolders etc will be calculated and displayed.
You cannot do this in Outlook 97, don't know about Outlook 2000.
I know that in Outlook you can right click on any folder, select properties and on the dialog box there should be a folder size button. If you go to the top of the mailbox (Outlook Today) and select this option it will get the folder size for every folder and subfolder and also give an overall total. Is this what you're looking for?
Thank you for your replies. We are running Outlook 2000 and I just tried what you suggested. That seems to work and hopefully it will satisfy my user. However, what I saw before was probably an add-in of some sort. I used to go to Tools (In Outlook) and one of the choices was server size and it would show me the exact size of what is losted in Exchange. Thanks again for your answers.
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