Hello there, I hope you can help me on this.
My mails are stuck and in queue folder under mailroot.
MailMessage msgMail = new MailMessage();
msgMail.To = "MeAsAdmin@yahoo.com"
msgMail.From = "sender@yahoo.com"
msgMail.BodyFormat= MailFormat.Html;
msgMail.Subject = "Hello!"
msgMail.Body = "You are invited!"
SmtpMail.SmtpServer= "MYCOMPUTER"; //<-- computer name
I have already added my IP address in the Relay restriction and Connection controls but still sending emails doesnt work.
Have i missed anything? i hope you gurus out there can help me.
My mails are stuck and in queue folder under mailroot.
MailMessage msgMail = new MailMessage();
msgMail.To = "MeAsAdmin@yahoo.com"
msgMail.From = "sender@yahoo.com"
msgMail.BodyFormat= MailFormat.Html;
msgMail.Subject = "Hello!"
msgMail.Body = "You are invited!"
SmtpMail.SmtpServer= "MYCOMPUTER"; //<-- computer name
I have already added my IP address in the Relay restriction and Connection controls but still sending emails doesnt work.
Have i missed anything? i hope you gurus out there can help me.