I have a spam filter that adds Spam: to the front of the email then I set up a mail rule to put this email in the junk mail folder for the user to review.
This works great for everyone apart from the most important person in the company the managing director, typical eh?
Anyway I set it up I send a test it works fine then an hour later it seems to just stop working, if I disable it then enable it, it works again? Then will stop working an hour later.!! Grrrrr
Another solution maybe the X bulk header setting on the spam filter but I don't know how to set this up on domino to read the header and automatically put it in the junk folder, any ideas?
This works great for everyone apart from the most important person in the company the managing director, typical eh?
Anyway I set it up I send a test it works fine then an hour later it seems to just stop working, if I disable it then enable it, it works again? Then will stop working an hour later.!! Grrrrr
Another solution maybe the X bulk header setting on the spam filter but I don't know how to set this up on domino to read the header and automatically put it in the junk folder, any ideas?