I recently installed Solaris 9. I'm having trouble sendmail mail via mailx command.
Do I need to setup or installing anything in order to sendmail from this newly installed
Solaris 9 server?
Please let me re-phrase. Sorry for the cryptic english I posted earlier.
I have freshly installed Solaris 9 OS. I want to be able to send
messages via mailx. Do I need to configure anything? Do I need to enable
any services?
I tried to send a message: mailx -s 'blah blah' name@domain.com </tmp/mail.log
No errors, but I did not recieve the message.
I want to know how mailx works on Solaris 9. If one can point me to a link or
explain, I would really appreciate it.
you are absolutely correct. sendmail does not need to run.
good news, i fixed the problem. i'm not sure how i fixed it, but i did. i added our external dns namserver in /etc/resolv.conf. i also made some changes in local-host-names, relay-domains. i should have been writing notes when i fixed it. oh well.
thank you again. you've always helped me. i feel like i'm getting my unix training from you
"Not all operating systems suck, it's just that some operating systems suck worst than others"
I know you said you fixed it. Usually though you just have to copy /etc/mail/subsidary.cf /etc/mail/sendmail.cf. Also there should be an entry for mailhost.domain.name in /etc/hosts, DNS, or NIS. You can also run mailx with the -v option to get a verbose output to what it is doing.
1) by default sendmail/SMTP works with DNS, you can configure sendmail not to use DNS, there are cookbooks at sunsolve.sun.com
2) sendmail/SMTP tries to derive domainname from the FQHN, the workaround to add a "ip.ip.ip.ip hostname hostname." line to /etc/hosts WILL JUST avoid error messages but not solve
3) you may (should!) shutdown sendmail if the host is not receiving, you better configure sendmail if you plan to use it
Best Regards, Franz
UNIX System Manager from Munich, Germany
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