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Mail Integration Question

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Jul 11, 2002
My company is developing software that sends out an email message via the mail command as part of it's programming. We have close to 500 customers who will be using this software, most of whom are not using the AIX box as their mail server. We have been configuring sendmail to relay off of the existing mail servers. The problem is many of our customers have to reconfigure their existing servers to allow for the relayed messages, and some customers don't even know how to allow relaying on the server.
My question is, is there a way configure the AIX box (RS6000) as a mail client, which can then send a message using the mail command ? Because of the way the software works, we need to be able to sedn the messages through a command line. I can re-write it to use something other than "mail", but I don' know what. Please help.


Brian Baldwin
3rd Party Software Integrator
Farmington CT

What wrong with the way 'mail' works??

Cheers Henrik Morsing
IBM Certified AIX 4.3 Systems Administration

we were experiencing a similar problem, "aixmurder" has the solution, and he wrote:

aixmurderer (IS/IT--Manageme) Dec 10, 2002
Have a look under the General Unix Discussion FAQ, I have posted 2 sample scripts there. The one supporting multiple attachments works very well with some customisation to suit your specific needs.
IBM Certified Confused - MQSeries
IBM Certified Flabbergasted - AIX 5 pSeries System Administration

The solution fix our problem, hope it'll work in your case.

Thank you again "aixmurder"

Thanks for the responses,
The problem isn't with the attachments. We actually have the mail command working just fine. What I want to do is avoid having to relay the mail from the customers existing mail server. I want to configure the AIX box as a mail client, not a mail server as it is currently configured.
That way we would not have to do any configuration on the existing mail server other than setting up a new user account.
For further clarification : our AIX boxes have Pine installed as a mail client. We can configure pine (through the pine.rc file) to point to an outside mailserver (ie. an exchange server). This allows the mail to be sent without using the AIX box as a mail server.
I need to find a way to do this through a command line.


if i understand you correctly you want to send emails to remote people but your exchange server will resolve the names and forward the emails .

if so all you have to do is set-up sendmail i.e.
edit /etc/sendmail.cf

search for DS entry and add

the smtp_mail is looked up from the /etc/hosts file
this is the ip address of your exchange server , which you should be able to ping

Let me get this straight. Your company is developing software and you don't know how to correctly implement it on an AIX server?

"I can re-write it to use something other than "mail", but I don' know what." - How could you even begin coding without having a design in place? If there was a design you would not have to re-write it.
DSMARWAY : Thanks for the response. That's exactly what we are doing now. This method still requires that the existing mail server allow relaying. This is what we are trying to aviod.
AIXSPadmin : There is no need to be nasty. The software is complete and works fine. As I have stated in each post, I am trying to avoid having to allow relaying on existing mail servers. We knew that this would be an issue, however we didn't realize that we had so many customers who did not know how to support their own servers.

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