Can anyone figure out why this code isn't working? I'm not getting any parse error messages but it's not going into my inbox.
if (!(isset($qa))){
} else {
$subject = "Quiz";
$m = sprintf ("Quiz\n----------------------\n\n%s %s %s\nIn 1997, ____ of households were headed by women %s\nIn 1999, women hold ____ of the seats in the 535 member 106th Congress %s\nIn 1992 and 1994, ____ of women registered to vote actually voted in the national elections. %s\nIn 1997, ____ of all women between the ages of 25 and 54 were in the labor force %s\nIn 1997, women represented approximately ____ of lawyers and doctors and approximately ____ of engineers and Fortune 500 corporate officers %s\nIn 1997, among year-round fulltime workers, women’s weekly earnings were ____ of men’s %s\nIn 1997, women and children (under 18) represented ____ of the total number of people living in poverty %s\nIn 1995, about one in every ____ American girls between the ages of 15 and 19 became pregnant %s\nApproximately ____ of high school girls participate in at least one school-sponsored sport %s\nIn 1960, 38 percent of girls who graduated from high school enrolled in college the following fall. In 1996 ____ of girls who graduated from high school enrolled in college the following fall", stripslashes($qa1), stripslashes($qa2), stripslashes($qa3), stripslashes($qa4), stripslashes($qa5), stripslashes($qa6), stripslashes($qa7), stripslashes($qa8), stripslashes($qa9), stripslashes($qa10));
mail("mlluberes@hotmail", $subject, $m, "$qa1 \n $qa2 \n $qa3 \n $qa4 \n $qa5 \n $qa6 \n $qa7 \n $qa8 \n $qa9 \n $qa10"
if (!(isset($qa))){
} else {
$subject = "Quiz";
$m = sprintf ("Quiz\n----------------------\n\n%s %s %s\nIn 1997, ____ of households were headed by women %s\nIn 1999, women hold ____ of the seats in the 535 member 106th Congress %s\nIn 1992 and 1994, ____ of women registered to vote actually voted in the national elections. %s\nIn 1997, ____ of all women between the ages of 25 and 54 were in the labor force %s\nIn 1997, women represented approximately ____ of lawyers and doctors and approximately ____ of engineers and Fortune 500 corporate officers %s\nIn 1997, among year-round fulltime workers, women’s weekly earnings were ____ of men’s %s\nIn 1997, women and children (under 18) represented ____ of the total number of people living in poverty %s\nIn 1995, about one in every ____ American girls between the ages of 15 and 19 became pregnant %s\nApproximately ____ of high school girls participate in at least one school-sponsored sport %s\nIn 1960, 38 percent of girls who graduated from high school enrolled in college the following fall. In 1996 ____ of girls who graduated from high school enrolled in college the following fall", stripslashes($qa1), stripslashes($qa2), stripslashes($qa3), stripslashes($qa4), stripslashes($qa5), stripslashes($qa6), stripslashes($qa7), stripslashes($qa8), stripslashes($qa9), stripslashes($qa10));
mail("mlluberes@hotmail", $subject, $m, "$qa1 \n $qa2 \n $qa3 \n $qa4 \n $qa5 \n $qa6 \n $qa7 \n $qa8 \n $qa9 \n $qa10"