I am switching a customer from a Nortel to a Magix and swinging their existing DID's to a new PRI. Their range of DID's begins with 8300. When I renumber everything beginning with an 8 to a 6, I am still not able to renumber the 7100's to 8300's. The only thing I can think of is that the system is still seeing the non-physical trunks and extensions. For example, I renumbered their trunks to 601-628, due to that is what their hardware resembles. Is the system still seeing the remaining system's capacity for trunks as 829-880? But here it was makes me not think so. The system will allow me to number a 7100 to 8100, but not 8300, which makes me think that the system is seeing the 8300 as a defult adjunct number, which doesn't make sense either, because the extensions all begin with 7. And the reason that I don't think that it can be the default trunk numbers is because it will allow an 8100, obviously beginning with an 8. I'm positive that I didn't miss anything that begins with an 8.