Here's a little something that I found out that I had never encountered on the Merlin Magix. If you have a 4400D telephone connected to a digital station port and you remove the 4400D and connect a multibutton digital telephone to the same port and then reconnect the 4400D to that same port, you will loose any line/trunk assignments you had for that extension. The user will not be able to dial "9" and call out and if any lines were programmed to ring on the 4400D, obviously they loose that too. I regularly use a testar (modap) on the M block to check extension numbers at the backboard. If you float the jumper wire and test the extension with the testar and a multibutton telephone (IE 4424D) and then punch the jumper wires back down you will loose line/trunk assignments if the phone connected to that port was originally a 4400D. I've had it happen a couple of times and I set up a system up on the bench today to test my theory as to why it was occurring. Don't know why it does it, but it does.