MacroVision seems to be doing all they can to make past customers of InstallShield not able to do any work without forking over thousands of dollars (and I'm not exaggerating here!!)
I had be an almost happy user of Installshield Express (Full edition, not VFP limited-edition) v4.0. ISE v4.0 SP1 fixed a couple of vital problems that v4.0 had.
Now, I'm working on a new computer, and reinstalled v4.0 from an old install file I had, and try to update to SP1: The InstallShield website still has all the info about this update, but the actual .EXE file is missing. I think I have it somewhere in my ancient archives, (I hope), but until then, I cannot build my product for release on this new computer! (My old computer is still off in UPS-land being fixed... to be returned this week, I think... I hope the HD is intact!)
Of course, I could upgrade to MacroVision's latest InstallShield, for $600 per computer (notice, the new InstallShield 10 is licensed strictly per-computer... not per-developer. If you like to keep two development machines, one as a backup, you have to pay for two $600+ licenses... it won't install twice (I tried, then got my money back because of this inane MacroVision-esque protection... even discussing with their personnel, they give no leniency: Licensed Per Computer.).
(BTW: MacroVision is the same company that put the copy protection stuff on DVD's and VHS tapes which prevents making fair-use backup copies, etc., and they're trying to bring this same heavy-handed DRM protection to software.)
- Bill
Get the best answers to your questions -- See FAQ481-4875.
I had be an almost happy user of Installshield Express (Full edition, not VFP limited-edition) v4.0. ISE v4.0 SP1 fixed a couple of vital problems that v4.0 had.
Now, I'm working on a new computer, and reinstalled v4.0 from an old install file I had, and try to update to SP1: The InstallShield website still has all the info about this update, but the actual .EXE file is missing. I think I have it somewhere in my ancient archives, (I hope), but until then, I cannot build my product for release on this new computer! (My old computer is still off in UPS-land being fixed... to be returned this week, I think... I hope the HD is intact!)
Of course, I could upgrade to MacroVision's latest InstallShield, for $600 per computer (notice, the new InstallShield 10 is licensed strictly per-computer... not per-developer. If you like to keep two development machines, one as a backup, you have to pay for two $600+ licenses... it won't install twice (I tried, then got my money back because of this inane MacroVision-esque protection... even discussing with their personnel, they give no leniency: Licensed Per Computer.).
(BTW: MacroVision is the same company that put the copy protection stuff on DVD's and VHS tapes which prevents making fair-use backup copies, etc., and they're trying to bring this same heavy-handed DRM protection to software.)
- Bill
Get the best answers to your questions -- See FAQ481-4875.