Could you please help me out!
I try do create a Macro Word by using Tools - Macro - Record New Macro and add a picture from a website. The picture is show up. Here is the code that I got:
Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture FileName:= _
"LinkToFile:= False, SaveWithDocument:=True
When I run this code, nothing is happening. Is there other way to add the Internet picture into Word? Thank you.
I try do create a Macro Word by using Tools - Macro - Record New Macro and add a picture from a website. The picture is show up. Here is the code that I got:
Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture FileName:= _
"LinkToFile:= False, SaveWithDocument:=True
When I run this code, nothing is happening. Is there other way to add the Internet picture into Word? Thank you.