I need to write macro that would print out a power play report (c:\testreport.ppr).
The macro I tried to use prints the current page only. The report is three pages long and I do not have a problem printing it directly out of Power Play, but whenever I try to use a macro to print it - I get only one current page.
Can anyone help me?
The macro I am using:
Sub Main()
Dim PPRep as Object
Dim RepPrt as Object
'-- Create PowerPlay Report
Set PPRep = CreateObject("PowerPlay.Report"
PPRep.Open "C:\testreport.ppr"
'-- Create Print object
Set RepPrt = PPRep.Print
'-- Set Print options
RepPrt.SetListOfLayersToPrint PPRep.Layers
RepPrt.SetListOfRowsToPrint PPrep.Rows
RepPrt.IncludeLegend = True
RepPrt.Copies =1
'-- Print
End Sub
I need to write macro that would print out a power play report (c:\testreport.ppr).
The macro I tried to use prints the current page only. The report is three pages long and I do not have a problem printing it directly out of Power Play, but whenever I try to use a macro to print it - I get only one current page.
Can anyone help me?
The macro I am using:
Sub Main()
Dim PPRep as Object
Dim RepPrt as Object
'-- Create PowerPlay Report
Set PPRep = CreateObject("PowerPlay.Report"
PPRep.Open "C:\testreport.ppr"
'-- Create Print object
Set RepPrt = PPRep.Print
'-- Set Print options
RepPrt.SetListOfLayersToPrint PPRep.Layers
RepPrt.SetListOfRowsToPrint PPrep.Rows
RepPrt.IncludeLegend = True
RepPrt.Copies =1
End Sub