Hi there,
I have a problem using the macro substitution (&) in VFP.
What I've done is I read a directory with text files and convert them to dbf format and add the name of the converted dbfs in a list box. The problem was the listbox now cannot be clicked, what I mean is that I can't choose a specific item from a listbox.
Another thing is that when i loop through the listbox and issuing:
use &DBName
the dbname is the variable i used to assign base on the value from the listbox.
It goes smoothely but the problem was when I try to issue twice the command
select &dbname
what foxpro did is it changes the alias name so I can now receive an error.
by the way the value in the listbox does not contain the extension name of the dbf, it only holds the basename.
Thanks in advance, hope you'll be of help.
I have a problem using the macro substitution (&) in VFP.
What I've done is I read a directory with text files and convert them to dbf format and add the name of the converted dbfs in a list box. The problem was the listbox now cannot be clicked, what I mean is that I can't choose a specific item from a listbox.
Another thing is that when i loop through the listbox and issuing:
use &DBName
the dbname is the variable i used to assign base on the value from the listbox.
It goes smoothely but the problem was when I try to issue twice the command
select &dbname
what foxpro did is it changes the alias name so I can now receive an error.
by the way the value in the listbox does not contain the extension name of the dbf, it only holds the basename.
Thanks in advance, hope you'll be of help.