I have a Embedded Excel in a word file. Excel is embedded as an icon. Office 2007.
As long as I save the file on my harddrive, it works fine, but If I save it on my server or NAS then it don’t' work.
In my excel file I have a macro connected to a button. (It’s a lot of macros and menus and buttons... and a few macros in the word file)
However, to get to the problem...
When the word file is saved on the network and I open the excel file, if I press a button I get the following message (translated from Swedish).
"Can't access the file Worksheet in Z: data crm dok 1261.doc. could be several reasons
*The filename or path don't exist
*The file is in use by another program
*The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as an open workbook.
If I open the macro dialog and select a macro and press run - it works perfectly.
And yes, I enabled macros when asked as I open both the word and excel file.
What bothers me is that there are no “\” in the path… if that’s the problem. (the path is Z:\data\drm\dok\1261.doc)
Note: in Office 2003 nothing happens if I press a button even if I saved the word document in another folder on my harddrive and I get an dialog that say “400” if I press a toolbar button.
As long as I save the file on my harddrive, it works fine, but If I save it on my server or NAS then it don’t' work.
In my excel file I have a macro connected to a button. (It’s a lot of macros and menus and buttons... and a few macros in the word file)
However, to get to the problem...
When the word file is saved on the network and I open the excel file, if I press a button I get the following message (translated from Swedish).
"Can't access the file Worksheet in Z: data crm dok 1261.doc. could be several reasons
*The filename or path don't exist
*The file is in use by another program
*The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as an open workbook.
If I open the macro dialog and select a macro and press run - it works perfectly.
And yes, I enabled macros when asked as I open both the word and excel file.
What bothers me is that there are no “\” in the path… if that’s the problem. (the path is Z:\data\drm\dok\1261.doc)
Note: in Office 2003 nothing happens if I press a button even if I saved the word document in another folder on my harddrive and I get an dialog that say “400” if I press a toolbar button.