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Macro Failed to begin Execution - ref: thread99-464072

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Mar 21, 2005
Hello - I posted this issue a few years ago, without resolution. In doing a thorough search today. I found thread99-464072, this relates the issue to Arrays. In the scripts suffering worse from this issue, there are arrays, which are not my comfort zone. Also, in thread1-1273379, the same error is referenced with Global variables as the culprit. I use Global variable in most of my macro, along with a standard set of Modules. I am posting segments of code from a macro that runs every 15 minutes via a Shell call from task manager. Before the shell command is called, any extra processes (ebrun,ebedit,extra,ebmngr) are terminated. There doesn't appear to be an instigator for the error and it presents irregularly. I have many scripts that are prone to this error, but they run in a heavy traffic environment with a manual start, so restarting Extra is not a problem. This macro has a dedicated PC...

Code Sample :
'declarations specific to Array and array use
'User-Defined Type

Type IntSettings
Ste As String
Nm As String
Mon As String
Dtl As String
NOC As String
IVR AS String
TmFrm As String
Refd As String
End Type

'Helper Variables (Transaction Required)
Global Port() As IntSettings, ChkIntNm As String, ChkDesc As String, ChkStat As String, MonID As Integer, Btm As Object

Function FindInt(Ste As String, IntNm As String) As Integer
'Tests read Interface values against Monitor list
For Cnt = 0 To UBound(Port)
Test = Port(Cnt).Nm
If Ste = Port(Cnt).Ste And IntNm = Port(Cnt).Nm Then
FindInt = Cnt
Port(Cnt).Refd = "Y"
Exit Function
End If
Next Cnt
FindInt = 9999
End Function

Sub IntData
'Excel Objects
Dim appExcel As Object
Dim wbExcel As Object
Dim aSheet As Object

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

FileCopy "\\infonet\sites\CorpIT\ProvisioningOSS\ICOMS Interface Script History\ICOMs Port Monitor.xls", _
"\\kstlmfps02\OMS\Provisioning_OSS\ITOPS-IDS\Interfaces\ICOMs Port Monitor.xls"

Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set wbExcel = appExcel.Workbooks.Open("\\kstlmfps02\OMS\Provisioning_OSS\ITOPS-IDS\Interfaces\ICOMs Port Monitor.xls")
Set aSheet = wbExcel.Sheets("ICOMs")

ReDim Port(aSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 5)

For i = 5 To aSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
AID = i - 5
Test = Trim(aSheet.Cells(i, 3).Text)
Port(AID).Ste = Trim(aSheet.Cells(i, 2).Text)
Port(AID).Nm = Trim(aSheet.Cells(i, 3).Text)
Port(AID).Mon = Trim(aSheet.Cells(i, 4).Text)
Port(AID).Dtl = Trim(aSheet.Cells(i, 5).Text)
Port(AID).NOC = Trim(aSheet.Cells(i, 6).Text)
Port(AID).IVR = Trim(aSheet.Cells(i, 7).Text)
Port(AID).TmFrm = Trim(aSheet.Cells(i, 8).Text)
Next i
End Sub

Sub Main
'Input output file setup removed
'Session configuration removed
'To the GUTS

LastSite = "X"
'BEGIN Task execution Here

For Ste = 100 To 500 Step 100
Site = Trim(Str(Ste))
IntCnt = 0
Rw = 8
Pg = 0

Screentest = ICOMs.GetString(1, 36, 7)
If Screentest = "Sign On" Then 'Tests to see that Session is logged in
If Login = "N" Then GoTo ErrorEnd
ElseIf LastSite <> Site Then 'Tests to see that logged in Session is the correct Site
If ChgSite = "N" Then GoTo ErrorEnd
End If

If FindScreen = "N" Then GoTo ErrorEnd
If IntCnt = 0 And Pg = 0 Then TopPg1 = Trim(ICOMs.GetString(9, 6, 5))
Set Btm = ICOMs.Search("Bottom")
IntCnt = IntCnt + 1
ErrRec = "N"
ErrNOC = "N"
ErrIVR = "N"
ErrPortMnt = "N"
Comment = ""
Screentest = ""
ChkIntNm = ""
ChkDesc = ""
ChkStat = ""
MonID = 0
Test = Rw + IntCnt - (Pg * 12)
If Rw + IntCnt - (Pg * 12) = 21 Then
If Btm.Top = -1 Then
ICOMs.SendKeys ("<PF8>")
'Screentest??? How???
Pg = Pg + 1
Set Btm = ICOMs.Search("Bottom")
Exit Do 'No more records Bottom reached
End If
End If

ChkIntNm = Trim(ICOMs.GetString(Rw + IntCnt - (Pg * 12), 6, 5))
ChkDesc = Trim(ICOMs.GetString(Rw + IntCnt - (Pg * 12), 12, 20))
ChkStat = ICOMs.GetString(Rw + IntCnt - (Pg * 12), 35, 4)
' Test captured data - Execute a refresh
If ChkIntNm = "" And Btm.Top <> -1 Then Exit Do ' No More Interfaces
If ChkStat = "****" Then
ICOMs.SendKeys ("<PA1><PF5>")
Screentest = Trim(ICOMs.GetString(9, 35, 1))
If Screentest = "*" Then
Comment = "Refresh did not clear issue"
rc% = MsgBox(Comment, "ERROR")
ElseIf Pg <> 0 and TopPg1 = Trim(ICOMs.GetString(9, 6, 5))Then
For Dwn = 1 to Pg
ICOMs.SendKeys ("<PF8>")
Next Dwn
End If
GoTo CaptrIntInfo
ElseIf ChkStat = "" Then
If Btm.Top <> -1 Then
'End of list reached
Exit Do 'No more records Bottom reached
Comment = "Unexpected Blank Interface not at bottom"
ErrScrape (1)
End If
End If

' Find Port in Monitor Doc
MonID = FindInt(Site, ChkIntNm)
If MonID = 9999 Then
'Port Not Found
If TmeTst = -1 And DteTst = -1 Then
Comment = Site & "-" & ChkIntNm & "-" & ChkDesc
ErrPortMnt = "Y"
End If
GoTo ErrorLog
'Write Message to ExcNm - send to OSS - Monday - Friday 8 - 5 PM
End If

'Evaluate Port Monitor Triggers -
If ChkStat = "MSGW" Or ChkStat = "NO" Then
Comment = "Site " & Site & " " & Now() & " " & ChkIntNm & " " & ChkDesc & " is in status " & ChkStat & " check it out!!!"
If UCase(Port(MonID).Mon) = "Y" Then ErrRec = "Y"
If UCase(Port(MonID).NOC) = "Y" Then ErrNOC = "Y"
If UCase(Port(MonID).IVR) = "Y" Then ErrIVR = "Y"
End If
'For NOC and Detail view on Select OSS/HelpDesk Ports
If UCase(Port(MonID).Dtl) = "Y" Or UCase(Port(MonID).NOC) = "Y" Or UCase(Port(MonID).IVR) = "Y"Then
ICOMs.MoveTo Rw + IntCnt - (Pg * 12), 2
ICOMs.SendKeys ("7<Enter>")
Screentest = Trim(ICOMs.GetString(1, 2, 8))
If Screentest <> "TRFDSP" Then
ErrScrape (1)
End If
'When a time frame is needed - then the search for 2 minutes ago is removed and replaced with 2 hours ago
If Port(MonID).TmFrm = "Y" Then
CalcTm = Time
CalcDate = Date
CalcHr = Hour(CalcTm)
If CalcHr = 0 Or CalcHr = 1 Then
CalcHr = 24 + CalcHr
CalcDate = CalcDate - 1
End If

SrchDate = Format(CVar(CalcDate), "mmddyy")
SrchTime = Format(CalcHr - 2, "00") & Format(CVar(CalcTm), "nnss")

ICOMs.MoveTo 4, 2
ICOMs.SendKeys ("<EraseEOF>" & SrchDate)
ICOMs.MoveTo 4, 11
ICOMs.SendKeys ("<EraseEOF>" & SrchTime)
ICOMs.SendKeys ("<Enter>")
Screentest = Trim(ICOMs.GetString(1, 2, 8))
If Screentest <> "TRFDSP" Then
Comment = "Detail Screen not found after Time Update"
ErrScrape (1)
End If
End If

ChkDtl = Trim(ICOMs.GetString(9, 3, 7))
If ChkDtl = "" Then
Comment = "Site " & Site & " " & Now() & " " & ChkIntNm & " " & ChkDesc & " is in status " & ChkStat & " and shows no transactions. Check It Out!!!"
If UCase(Port(MonID).Mon) = "Y" Then ErrRec = "Y"
If UCase(Port(MonID).NOC) = "Y" Then ErrNOC = "Y"
If UCase(Port(MonID).IVR) = "Y" Then ErrIVR = "Y"
End If
ICOMs.SendKeys ("<RESET>")
ICOMs.SendKeys ("<PA1><PF3>")
Call Sleep
ICOMs.SendKeys ("<PA1><PF5>")
End If

If Comment = "" Then Comment = "Issue Not Found"
lastintname = ChkIntNm + " - " + Str(IntCnt) + " - " + Str(Pg) + " - " + Str(test)
If ErrRec = "Y" Then Print #OSSHelpNo, Comment
If ErrNOC = "Y" Then Print #NOCNo, Comment
If ErrIVR = "Y" Then Print #IVRNo, Comment
If ErrPortMnt = "Y" Then
If Prt = 0 Then
Call PortMonHdr
Print #PortMntNo, "PORT(S) NOT FOUND IN 'ICOMs Port Monitor.xls'"
End If
Print #PortMntNo, Comment
Prt = Prt + 1
End If
LastSite = Site
Next Ste

End Site

If FindMenu = "N" Then GoTo EndAlready
ICOMs.MoveTo 21, 15
ICOMs.SendKeys ("<Reset>")
ICOMs.SendKeys ("90<Enter>") 'at any Menu:

'Reset Session in case Logoff failed
Sess0.Connected = False
pause (2)
PrtStrt = Prt
If TmeTst = -1 And DteTst = -1 Then '
For Cnt = 0 To UBound(Port)
If Port(Cnt).Refd <> "Y" Then
If Prt = 0 Then
Call PortMonHdr
Print #PortMntNo, "PORT(S) FROM 'ICOMs Port Monitor.xls' NOT FOUND IN BILLING"
Elseif PrtStrt = Prt Then
Print #PortMntNo, "PORT(S) FROM 'ICOMs Port Monitor.xls' NOT FOUND IN BILLING"
End If
Comment = Port(Cnt).Ste & "-" & Port(Cnt).Nm & "-NOT FOUND"
Print #PortMntNo, Comment
Prt = Prt + 1
End If
Next Cnt
End If
End Sub
Thanks for looking at my issue. I clipped quite a lot out of the code I posted including the session disconnect and close commands.

Thanks Again
Is there a reason you're using global variables? Do you have other macros that share that information? If not, you might simply Dim those variables instead.

It looks like you never explicitly close Excel. It's probably not related, but you might want to close it when you're finished.

Okay, I fixed the issue! It was really stupid. Until recently I have started all macros from the editor. I use the editor specifically for the stop button if there is an issue. SO starting a script via command line is a newer process for me. Starting from the Editor, a macro won't run unless it compiles correctly, but it will still give the Failed Execution error in some circumstances, which an Attachmate restart ALWAYS resolves. When I read the posts recommendations to compile for errors, I was disappointed, because that was already done!! SOOOOOO now that I have a script running via the task manager, I understand why the responses always said COMPILE. A syntax error, that would stop you in the editor when running via EBrun will generate a "Macro Failed to begin execution". So a typo caused 6 HOURS of troubleshooting.

Your Questions:
Within the complete version of this macro there are 10 modules that the Main references. 9 of the modules are not unique to this macro, all scripts for this billing system also have those modules. In the past, my team worked with having all variables dimmed locally, but when we made changes to a module or went to use that updated versionin another script, finding all the references became very tedious. We don't have multi macros running simultaneously on a single PC; Instead we moved to a server and connect with Remote Desktop. This allows multiple sessions, but the sessions can't seee the other variables.

If you would like to see the complete code I would be happy to e-mail it?? When I posted the code, I was thinking the issue was with the array. So my code clipping targetted where the arrays was declared, loaded, and used. I didn't include many of the cleanup steps.

I appreciate your feedback on this, and also your responses on MANY other threads. Tektips is my first resource (after HELP) when I am stumped with troubleshooting. Thanks
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