I have a user who is using a macro in Excel 2000 to export into Access and is getting an ActiveX component can't create object error when they try to run it...I don't know if is helpful or not but I am including the code behind the macro...I can't find anything about what is causing this.
Function VLookup2Values(DataSet As Range, FirstVal As Variant, FirstCol As Integer, SecondVal As Variant, SecondCol As Integer, ReturnCol As Integer)
Dim FirstRow, LastRow, CheckRow As Integer
FirstRow = 1
LastRow = DataSet.Rows.Count
Do While FirstRow = FirstRow
'Determine if we are on last iteration and check all boundary values
If LastRow - FirstRow < 2 Then
'Check lastrow
If DataSet.Cells(LastRow, FirstCol).Value = FirstVal And DataSet.Cells(LastRow, SecondCol).Value = SecondVal Then
VLookup2Values = DataSet.Cells(LastRow, ReturnCol).Value
Exit Function
End If
'If not last row, return frist row
VLookup2Values = DataSet.Cells(FirstRow, ReturnCol).Value
Exit Function
End If
CheckRow = CInt((FirstRow + LastRow) / 2)
'Because Excel does not handle sorting correctly for strings
If TypeName(DataSet.Cells(CheckRow, FirstCol).Value) = "String" Then
FirstCheck = UCase(DataSet.Cells(CheckRow, FirstCol).Value) >= UCase(FirstVal)
FirstCheck = DataSet.Cells(CheckRow, FirstCol).Value >= FirstVal
End If
If FirstCheck Then
If DataSet.Cells(CheckRow, FirstCol).Value = FirstVal Then
If DataSet.Cells(CheckRow, SecondCol).Value = SecondVal Then
If DataSet.Cells(CheckRow, SecondCol).Value = SecondVal Then
VLookup2Values = DataSet.Cells(CheckRow, ReturnCol).Value
Exit Function
End If
End If
If TypeName(DataSet.Cells(CheckRow, SecondCol).Value) = "String" Then
SecondCheck = UCase(DataSet.Cells(CheckRow, SecondCol).Value) > UCase(SecondVal)
SecondCheck = DataSet.Cells(CheckRow, SecondCol).Value > SecondVal
End If
If SecondCheck Then
'If we haven't exited, then next iteration is up
LastRow = CheckRow
End If
LastRow = CheckRow
End If
End If
'If we haven't identified direction as up, then its down
If LastRow <> CheckRow Then
FirstRow = CheckRow
End If
VLookup2Values = "#VALUE!"
Exit Function
End Function
Function VLookup2Values(DataSet As Range, FirstVal As Variant, FirstCol As Integer, SecondVal As Variant, SecondCol As Integer, ReturnCol As Integer)
Dim FirstRow, LastRow, CheckRow As Integer
FirstRow = 1
LastRow = DataSet.Rows.Count
Do While FirstRow = FirstRow
'Determine if we are on last iteration and check all boundary values
If LastRow - FirstRow < 2 Then
'Check lastrow
If DataSet.Cells(LastRow, FirstCol).Value = FirstVal And DataSet.Cells(LastRow, SecondCol).Value = SecondVal Then
VLookup2Values = DataSet.Cells(LastRow, ReturnCol).Value
Exit Function
End If
'If not last row, return frist row
VLookup2Values = DataSet.Cells(FirstRow, ReturnCol).Value
Exit Function
End If
CheckRow = CInt((FirstRow + LastRow) / 2)
'Because Excel does not handle sorting correctly for strings
If TypeName(DataSet.Cells(CheckRow, FirstCol).Value) = "String" Then
FirstCheck = UCase(DataSet.Cells(CheckRow, FirstCol).Value) >= UCase(FirstVal)
FirstCheck = DataSet.Cells(CheckRow, FirstCol).Value >= FirstVal
End If
If FirstCheck Then
If DataSet.Cells(CheckRow, FirstCol).Value = FirstVal Then
If DataSet.Cells(CheckRow, SecondCol).Value = SecondVal Then
If DataSet.Cells(CheckRow, SecondCol).Value = SecondVal Then
VLookup2Values = DataSet.Cells(CheckRow, ReturnCol).Value
Exit Function
End If
End If
If TypeName(DataSet.Cells(CheckRow, SecondCol).Value) = "String" Then
SecondCheck = UCase(DataSet.Cells(CheckRow, SecondCol).Value) > UCase(SecondVal)
SecondCheck = DataSet.Cells(CheckRow, SecondCol).Value > SecondVal
End If
If SecondCheck Then
'If we haven't exited, then next iteration is up
LastRow = CheckRow
End If
LastRow = CheckRow
End If
End If
'If we haven't identified direction as up, then its down
If LastRow <> CheckRow Then
FirstRow = CheckRow
End If
VLookup2Values = "#VALUE!"
Exit Function
End Function