We are running Progression Macola 7.5 103f with Pervasive 2000i. One of my users is printing to a Canon 5000 printer and creating the following error. A reboot is required for the report to print.
Do I need to initialize the report passing file?
20050527 094524 MAMILLE PO19P1 PRINTWIN E 0011 000 99Oct15 05001952Service Pack 4 \\NETWORK\CANON5000_LIGHT Ne06: 001 2159 2794 Letter P 001 N
End Page: Error in Macro PRINTER-END - call to End Page..Error (0x0000003F) in call to EndPage.General Error..Print Document Error
20050527 094524 MAMILLE PO19P1 PRINTWIN E 0000 000 99Oct15 05001952Service Pack 4 \\NETWORK\CANON5000_LIGHT Ne06: 001 2159 2794 Letter P 001 N
End Doc: Error in Macro PRINTER-END - call to delete PRT..Printer Document not started..Print Document Error
Do I need to initialize the report passing file?
20050527 094524 MAMILLE PO19P1 PRINTWIN E 0011 000 99Oct15 05001952Service Pack 4 \\NETWORK\CANON5000_LIGHT Ne06: 001 2159 2794 Letter P 001 N
End Page: Error in Macro PRINTER-END - call to End Page..Error (0x0000003F) in call to EndPage.General Error..Print Document Error
20050527 094524 MAMILLE PO19P1 PRINTWIN E 0000 000 99Oct15 05001952Service Pack 4 \\NETWORK\CANON5000_LIGHT Ne06: 001 2159 2794 Letter P 001 N
End Doc: Error in Macro PRINTER-END - call to delete PRT..Printer Document not started..Print Document Error