Just for yuks, and also hopefully to use in production, I am trying to update the zenworks imaging bootcd.iso to load the Yukon gigabit driver which should work with the Macbook pro.
The cd itself seems to boot fully and work fine on the Macbook, but there is no eth0.
I am really out of my element in Linux, but my understanding is that I must:
1. Compile the kernel with the driver on SLED (I have it running in a VMWare session).
2. Add the .o file to the addfiles on the cd
3. Burn a new .iso file and make my cd.
Can anyone lend any expertise on this?
The cd itself seems to boot fully and work fine on the Macbook, but there is no eth0.
I am really out of my element in Linux, but my understanding is that I must:
1. Compile the kernel with the driver on SLED (I have it running in a VMWare session).
2. Add the .o file to the addfiles on the cd
3. Burn a new .iso file and make my cd.
Can anyone lend any expertise on this?