Just got my first Mac, a really nice bit of kit - the Mac Mini.
I've got it on the internet, updated fully, got my 60 day trail of ".mac"!
Now what?!?
I'm going to do some photo editing/manipulation but what software doe you guys get?
Do I need a Firewall?
Do I need Anti Virus?
Do I need M$ Office?
As you can see I'm from a Windows background so don't really know what I'm doing as yet!
Can you recommend some sites for reading?
If you think of anything else to recommend, feel free to post!
Cheers in advance,
Just got my first Mac, a really nice bit of kit - the Mac Mini.
I've got it on the internet, updated fully, got my 60 day trail of ".mac"!
Now what?!?
I'm going to do some photo editing/manipulation but what software doe you guys get?
Do I need a Firewall?
Do I need Anti Virus?
Do I need M$ Office?
As you can see I'm from a Windows background so don't really know what I'm doing as yet!
Can you recommend some sites for reading?
If you think of anything else to recommend, feel free to post!
Cheers in advance,