Hi, guys is there a way to connect materials control/PM to M3700 such that the stock is deducted in real-time and at the same time it updates the menu item availability so that when the item is out of stock it locks the item in m3700?
Specialist in creating custom applications for the Micros POS range: 3700, 9700, Simphony FE, Simphony. SIM Scripts, Data Exports, Simphony extension applications, API Creation and integration. If you need anything please contact me via my website
In PM it is as i know directly deducted from the stock.
Material Controls use the Check3700 Procedure in the POS and this is not RealTime.
Material Controls connect directly to the database of micros 3700 but Normally the procedure in micros runs by the end of day or every hour.
that what is set in the autosequence steps configuration of the procedure.
@ POSKitchen you are correct. But the original OP was asking to connect stock on hand to menu availability. This can not be done thru PM stock on hand as there is no link to 3700 menu item availability.
@Wildbar Yes sure my mistake... Menu Availabilty Update on POS Side from mc... not possible out of the box.
Why they have only created a OneWay interface from pos(3700/Simphony) to mc....same with Inventory Management.
Thanks, guys for taking your time to your thoughts on the issue. just wondering though, what if one writes an SQL script that takes the stock quantity from MC or PM and maps the same to Menu Item availability table?
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