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M-W 2009 Word of the Year 1

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Although it isn't a word in common usage, an "Admonishment" is a sentence available to courts in Scotland. I would assume that it is a word not unfamiliar therefore to the criminal classes of Caledonia.
While not in everyday use when I was at school, I certainly heard it on more than one occasion, usually referring to giving someone a verbal telling-off.

Oh - not in Scotland, btw :)

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I went all four years of high school to a private, church-run school. They 'bout admonished my backside off.

Cool Hand Luke said:
"Dyin'? Boy, He can have this little life any time He wants to. Do Ya hear that? Are ya hearin' it? Come on. You're welcome to it, Ol' Timer. Let me know You're up there. Come on. Love me, hate me, kill me, anything. Just let me know it... I'm just standin' in the rain talkin' to myself."
Lee said:
They 'bout admonished my backside off

At my High School the Headmaster had a vicious streak and an equally vicious punishment regime.

Each class had a board with a sheet on it. One row for each pupil, one column for each week of the term.

If you transgressed you were told to "get the board" and the teacher (or prefect) would give you a "Rep" or reprimand - like admonishment.

If you got three "reps" in a week, you were given a detention the following Monday. Three detentions in a term (13 weeks) meant a letter to your parents.

If you got to five detentions in a term, you were left to stew for a weekend before being sent to the Head's office to be caned.

No ifs, just sore butts.

Head's office to be caned
that would either hurt your backside or give you bad teeth, depending on what the last word means... ;-)

in my case (elementary school) we usually went to see the "The Board of Corrections", we nick named it "On DeBum"...

"If it works don't fix it! If it doesn't use a sledgehammer..."
How to ask a question, when posting them to a professional forum.
Only ask questions with yes/no answers if you want "yes" or "no"
Yup... in my school (through High School...they still paddled)... we called it the "Board of Education".


Just my 2¢

"What the captain doesn't realize is that we've secretly replaced his Dilithium Crystals with new Folger's Crystals."

Ours was named Big Red. You did NOT want to go see Big Red.

Especially if Bro. Robert was on deck. That guy had a major league swing.

But hey, I'm not bitter - that was only part of what made me the atheist I am today.


Cool Hand Luke said:
"Dyin'? Boy, He can have this little life any time He wants to. Do Ya hear that? Are ya hearin' it? Come on. You're welcome to it, Ol' Timer. Let me know You're up there. Come on. Love me, hate me, kill me, anything. Just let me know it... I'm just standin' in the rain talkin' to myself."
My grade school didn't have a paddle (that I knew of!) but Sr. Alice had a LOOK that would make any kid tremble. She wore a black smock with a pocket in front, and she kept two rulers in there. One was solid wood, the other wood with an embedded metal strip. The punishment fit the crime, in her sole opinion. My knuckles were red a few times.

Which is why I'm on the same boat as Lee now.... :)

Veni, Vidi, Visa: I came, I saw, I charged it.
At my primary school it was three strikes on the bum with the "tackie", a size 11 Bata running shoe. I can recall the zig-zag grip pattern with painful detail...

Miscreants at the boys' school I attended were paddled by the headmaster himself (Sam). The school itself was built around a basketball gym (three of them, actually). The offices had open ceilings and everyone in the main building could hear when someone was getting paddled (usually nine times; up to twelve for especially egregious behavior).

I never got paddled, myself, since I only went there for 8th grade through high school, although Sam pulled me by the hair once for walking on the new basketball court (this was 1973 or 1974, and we all had long, hippie-like hairstyles).

-- Francis
I'd like to change the world, but I can't find the source code.
Wow. I can't imagine getting hit at school - at least not by school staff.

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John, I have you by at least 10 years (when I was born, most cars still had 6 volt batteries). Corporal punishment was the norm, and didn't really decline (at least here) until the 80s.

-- Francis
I'd like to change the world, but I can't find the source code.
I graduated in 1981 - I once got a whippin' just because I hadn't had a whippin' in a while and the Principal figured I deserved one for something for which I simply hadn't been caught yet.

I didn't protest too much because he was technically correct. I figured I got off easy. ;-)

Cool Hand Luke said:
"Dyin'? Boy, He can have this little life any time He wants to. Do Ya hear that? Are ya hearin' it? Come on. You're welcome to it, Ol' Timer. Let me know You're up there. Come on. Love me, hate me, kill me, anything. Just let me know it... I'm just standin' in the rain talkin' to myself."
I remember sitting in wood shop.

I was chewing gum, and trying to get away with it.

I was sitting on a stool, with my butt hanging over the edge.

I never heard Mr. Bristol coming. It made me swallow the gum. [rofl]

Seriously, though, I'm not bitter, or even upset. I never got something I didn't deserve; and our school was spotless. No gang symbols, no security guards, it was clean. There was school spirit; school was "sacred ground". Not like today.

Just my 2¢

"What the captain doesn't realize is that we've secretly replaced his Dilithium Crystals with new Folger's Crystals."

At our secondary school we (well, not me... I was a swot) got the 'dap' for bad behaviour. I would guess that name (dap) doesn't cross the pond too well (or even the Severn Bridge!) so here is a picture:



"The cure for anything is salt water – sweat, tears, or the sea." Isak Dinesen
Ah, daps, I remember them well! We had them in Chepstow, which is just across the Severn Bridge.

(Though there wasn't a bridge there then, just the ferries, the Severn King, Queen and Princess.)

"It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong." Richard Feynman
I must admit that that shoe thing is not at all what I was thinking. Not. At. All.


Cool Hand Luke said:
"Dyin'? Boy, He can have this little life any time He wants to. Do Ya hear that? Are ya hearin' it? Come on. You're welcome to it, Ol' Timer. Let me know You're up there. Come on. Love me, hate me, kill me, anything. Just let me know it... I'm just standin' in the rain talkin' to myself."
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