Hi there,
I have been given an intranet system to modify.
It uses <div> tags to partition various zones in the page. They work pretty well a part from small display differences in internet Explorer 6 or 7.
Anyway I am now having a problem with the main area of the page, enclosed in <div> tags and a table that I need to put in there that won't stay within the defined area.
here is the code:
The paragraph I added there in the code stays within the delimited area. The form enclosed in the table will display on the far left of the screen.
Any reason for this?
Another question:
Is it better to code position and dimension of <div> tags in line (like the code above) or in a CSS?
If I could have sex each time I reboot my server, I would definitely prefer Windoz over Linux!
I have been given an intranet system to modify.
It uses <div> tags to partition various zones in the page. They work pretty well a part from small display differences in internet Explorer 6 or 7.
Anyway I am now having a problem with the main area of the page, enclosed in <div> tags and a table that I need to put in there that won't stay within the defined area.
here is the code:
<!--definition of main area-->
<div id="mainBody" style="position:absolute; left:160; top:30; width:800; height:500; z-index:2; background-color: #dddddd; layer-background-color: #333399; border: 1px none #7b88a9; overflow: auto;">
<P>test paragraph</P>
<form action="post.php" method="POST" border="1">
<TR><TD>UserName:</TD><TD><input type="text" Name="uName" size="10"></TD></TR>
<TR><TD>PassWord:</TD><TD><input type="password" Name="pWord" size="10"></TD></TR>
The paragraph I added there in the code stays within the delimited area. The form enclosed in the table will display on the far left of the screen.
Any reason for this?
Another question:
Is it better to code position and dimension of <div> tags in line (like the code above) or in a CSS?
If I could have sex each time I reboot my server, I would definitely prefer Windoz over Linux!