I am using PHP4.2.0 and having problems with track_vars INI directive.
When I pass a variable($sender_email) to another page(.php) with POST method, I get this error:
Undefined variable: sender_email
I know that <?php_track_vars?> is no longer supported and I dont need to do anything with it because track_vars is always enabled. BUT it does not work..What should I do??
Thanks very much for your help.
I am using PHP4.2.0 and having problems with track_vars INI directive.
When I pass a variable($sender_email) to another page(.php) with POST method, I get this error:
Undefined variable: sender_email
I know that <?php_track_vars?> is no longer supported and I dont need to do anything with it because track_vars is always enabled. BUT it does not work..What should I do??
Thanks very much for your help.