I have consistent problem with <cflock>. We have cfmx 7 on apache tomcat 6.0.18
Whenever the page takes a long time to return data, and user stops the page and clicks back button to return the previous main page, we received an error message from the email notification
timeout occurred while attempting lock session scope. The following is where the error happened.
<cflock scope="SESSION" type="EXCLUSIVE" timeout="10">
<cfset Session.pageAction = "normal">
<cfset Session.checkedCompany_no = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset Session.checkedCompany_name= ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset Session.whereClause = "">
<cfset Session.dataLoadTime = ArrayNew(1)>
If the user clicks new login link on the error page immediately, after they summit the login form, they got the same message again. Here is code:
<cflock timeout="10" scope="Session" type="EXCLUSIVE">
<cfset Session.isLoggedIn = true>
<cfset Session.user_id = ucase(#form.user_id#)>
<cfset Session.password = #form.user_password#>
<cfset Session.first_name = #validateLogin.user_first_name#>
<cfset Session.numoftry = 3>
Please help. This error becomes headache for us.
Thank you very much
Whenever the page takes a long time to return data, and user stops the page and clicks back button to return the previous main page, we received an error message from the email notification
timeout occurred while attempting lock session scope. The following is where the error happened.
<cflock scope="SESSION" type="EXCLUSIVE" timeout="10">
<cfset Session.pageAction = "normal">
<cfset Session.checkedCompany_no = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset Session.checkedCompany_name= ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset Session.whereClause = "">
<cfset Session.dataLoadTime = ArrayNew(1)>
If the user clicks new login link on the error page immediately, after they summit the login form, they got the same message again. Here is code:
<cflock timeout="10" scope="Session" type="EXCLUSIVE">
<cfset Session.isLoggedIn = true>
<cfset Session.user_id = ucase(#form.user_id#)>
<cfset Session.password = #form.user_password#>
<cfset Session.first_name = #validateLogin.user_first_name#>
<cfset Session.numoftry = 3>
Please help. This error becomes headache for us.
Thank you very much