a 55A system has configured 2 FC adapters - one on mail box and one on D20. Everything is fine wiht SAN storage, LUNs ate multipathed using sdd - each adapter is used for one path to each LUN (no problems with LUNS, paths, no errors in errorlog)
I don't understand why I don't see fcs0 on lsslot output and I see it on lscfg output. Any idea?
# lscfg|grep fcs
+ fcs1 U7311.D20.653CD1D-P1-C07-T1 FC Adapter
+ fcs0 U787B.001.DNWBBCA-P1-C3-T1 FC Adapter
# lsslot -c slot
# Slot Description Device(s)
U7311.D20.653CD1D-P1-C04 Logical I/O Slot pci7 sisscsia0
U7311.D20.653CD1D-P1-C06 Logical I/O Slot pci5 ent2 ent3
U7311.D20.653CD1D-P1-C07 Logical I/O Slot pci6 fcs1
U787B.001.DNWBBCA-P1-C4 Logical I/O Slot pci4 ent0 ent1
U9133.55A.06F2FCG-V1-C0 Virtual I/O Slot vsa0
I don't understand why I don't see fcs0 on lsslot output and I see it on lscfg output. Any idea?
# lscfg|grep fcs
+ fcs1 U7311.D20.653CD1D-P1-C07-T1 FC Adapter
+ fcs0 U787B.001.DNWBBCA-P1-C3-T1 FC Adapter
# lsslot -c slot
# Slot Description Device(s)
U7311.D20.653CD1D-P1-C04 Logical I/O Slot pci7 sisscsia0
U7311.D20.653CD1D-P1-C06 Logical I/O Slot pci5 ent2 ent3
U7311.D20.653CD1D-P1-C07 Logical I/O Slot pci6 fcs1
U787B.001.DNWBBCA-P1-C4 Logical I/O Slot pci4 ent0 ent1
U9133.55A.06F2FCG-V1-C0 Virtual I/O Slot vsa0