7 HMC: Verify HMC to partition(s) authentication > CT_CONTACT
=<partition_hostname> lsrsrc IBM.ManagementServer
If nothing is displayed or if there are any errors, you probably have
a hostname problem, please refer to section Setting up HMC
/Partition(s) Hostname and Network.
1.0 Setting up the HMC/Partition(s) Hostname and Network
Most of DLPAR problems we have encounter from the labs during testing
have been improper network and hostname(s) setup. This section aims to
reduce these network setup/configuration problems.
First, find out the hostname format the HMC and its partition(s) are
using; short or long name. Your setup depends largely on the format of
the hostname. The hostname format can be determined by typing the
command "hostname" on the HMC and AIX system respectively then use
"host return_from_hostname" to verify it.
> hostname Partition.company.com
> host Partition.company.com
Partitition.company.com has address
1.0.1 If DNS is On If the HMC and the Partition(s) both use Long name
Ÿ No hostname entry is needed in /etc/hosts on either AIX or the HMC.
Ÿ If /etc/hosts has the hostname entry, the longname must be before
the short name for HMC and all partitions (host names are case
Example: mymachine.mycompany.com mymachine
Ÿ After update /etc/host file, refresh RMC by either rebooting or
> /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/rmcctrl -z
> /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/rmcctrl -A Other Hostname Formats
Ÿ If the hostname command returns the short name, put the shortname
before the longname in /etc/hosts on both HMC and the partitions; If
the hostname command returns the long name, put the longname before
the shortname in the /etc/hosts file on HMC and all partitions (names
are case sensitive).
Example: mymachine mymachine.mycompany.com
Ÿ Make sure that on the partition(s) (just partition(s)), the file
/etc/netsvc.conf exists with one line: hosts=local,bind
Ÿ Refresh RMC by either rebooting or by commands
> /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/rmcctrl -z
> /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/rmcctrl -A
1.0.2 If DNS is Off
Ÿ The HMC and partition(s) /etc/hosts file need to be modified to
contain the correct entries for the HMC and all partitions' hostnames.
If the hostname command returns the short name, put the short name
before the longname in /etc/hosts for HMC and all partitions (names
are case sensitive). If the hostname command returns the long name,
put the long name before the short name in /etc/hosts for HMC and all
partitions (names are case sensitive)
Ÿ Make sure that on the partition(s) (just partition), file
/etc/netsvc.conf exists with one line: hosts=local,bind.
Ÿ Refresh RMC by either rebooting or
> /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/rmcctrl -z
> /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/rmcctrl -A
Customers should add all the LPAR's hostnames to the /etc/hosts file
on the HMC. The HMC hostname must be added to each LPAR /etc/hosts
file. Because the customer does not have DNS data, we do not have a
domain name, only a short hostname, therefore the DNS enabled box will
not be enabled.
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