I have Lotus ScreenCam and have recorded the movies from my desktop, but when I try to insert them into my PowerPoint presentation nothing happens. Any ideas? Software Support for Sage Mas90, Macola, Crystal Reports, Goldmine and MS Office
OK at least I am now getting an error message. When I try to insert the movie I am getting the message - "Powerpoint couldn't insert a movie from the selected file. Either the file is non-standard or quicktime in not installed properly."
More ideas? How do I install quicktime? Is it a component of MS Office?
Software Support for Sage Mas90, Macola, Crystal Reports, Goldmine and MS Office
Yes I looked at both articles. I dont even begin to understand your reply. I am not using a browser to my knowledge, I am using MS Powerpoint. I didn't see anything that told me to add lines to a .ini file. I don't want a solution that requires me to manually change a .ini file unless that is my ONLY option.
I just want to click on insert, movie from file, and insert the movie file. This works with a couple of .avis I have but not with anything I have recorded with ScreenCam, even if I save it as a .avi file. Ideas? Software Support for Sage Mas90, Macola, Crystal Reports, Goldmine and MS Office
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