Technical User
I have a VB program which sends Lotus Notes e-mail. The program works well except for one problem... When I try to send two lines of text in the body (separating them with vbCrLf) I get one line with an ugly little character representing the vbCrLf between the two lines of text. When I run the code below, the receiver of the e-mail sees something like this in the body of the message...
This is the first line of body text.||This is the second line of body text.
How can I format the body text to include carriage returns/line feeds and maybe even rich text with bold and colors?
***** Here is the complete code *****
Dim Session As New Domino.NotesSession
Dim Database As NotesDatabase
Dim Document As NotesDocument
Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub SendMail()
Dim ServerName As Variant
Dim FileName As Variant
Dim SubjectText As String
Dim BodyText As String
Dim MailingList(2) As String
Dim PassWord As String
PassWord = "MyPassWord"
MailingList(0) = "TheFirstGuy"
MailingList(1) = "TheSecondGuy"
MailingList(2) = "TheThirdGuy"
SubjectText = "This is the subject text."
BodyText = "This is the first line of body text." & vbCrLf _
& "This is the second line of body text."
Call Session.Initialize(PassWord)
ServerName = Session.GetEnvironmentString("Mailserver", True)
FileName = Session.GetEnvironmentString("Mailfile", True)
Set Database = Session.GetDatabase(ServerName, FileName)
Set Document = Database.CreateDocument
With Document
.AppendItemValue "SendTo", MailingList
.AppendItemValue "Subject", SubjectText
.ReplaceItemValue "Body", BodyText
.Send False
End With
Unload Me
End Sub
This is the first line of body text.||This is the second line of body text.
How can I format the body text to include carriage returns/line feeds and maybe even rich text with bold and colors?
***** Here is the complete code *****
Dim Session As New Domino.NotesSession
Dim Database As NotesDatabase
Dim Document As NotesDocument
Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub SendMail()
Dim ServerName As Variant
Dim FileName As Variant
Dim SubjectText As String
Dim BodyText As String
Dim MailingList(2) As String
Dim PassWord As String
PassWord = "MyPassWord"
MailingList(0) = "TheFirstGuy"
MailingList(1) = "TheSecondGuy"
MailingList(2) = "TheThirdGuy"
SubjectText = "This is the subject text."
BodyText = "This is the first line of body text." & vbCrLf _
& "This is the second line of body text."
Call Session.Initialize(PassWord)
ServerName = Session.GetEnvironmentString("Mailserver", True)
FileName = Session.GetEnvironmentString("Mailfile", True)
Set Database = Session.GetDatabase(ServerName, FileName)
Set Document = Database.CreateDocument
With Document
.AppendItemValue "SendTo", MailingList
.AppendItemValue "Subject", SubjectText
.ReplaceItemValue "Body", BodyText
.Send False
End With
Unload Me
End Sub