I recently switched my long distance carrier and am now experiencing frequent lost connections. I use aol with a 14400 modem. Before I start to invest in a faster modem are there other issues I should first check.
I would definitely get a new modem. When you buy a new modem though, make sure you spend the extra cash to get a "hardware" modem such as a US Robotics or a Boca Research modem. If in the name of the modem is says "soft" or "winmodem" or "HSP" or "HSF" those are not hardware modems. Just a little FYI. As far as disconnects, that can be attributed to a bunch of different things. If you want more info just email me at the address below and I'll tell you more. [sig]<p>Ladin<br><a href=mailto:matchu_14@hotmail.com>matchu_14@hotmail.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>Tech support for 1 1/2 years, build computers, messed with C, HTML, Working on Flash, Role-Playing Game Junkie (Diablo2)[/sig]
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