I had to switch to Outlook Express 6 when I loaded my hard drive with Win98. My previous hard drive crashed.
Luckily I had backed up my email from what I think was Outlook Express 4 and was able to import it. My drive crashed on 4/22 and the new drive was installed on 4/23 with OE 6. When I imported my old messages, I mistakenly agreed to substiute the old dbx files for my new dbx files.
Problem: I can "see" my new dbx files listed in Windows Explorer but when I copy them to a "Recover" folder, I can't import them in OE 6 so I'm missing the messages that I had received in OE 6 between 4/23 and 5/10.
The error message from the OE6 import Wizard is:
"No messages can be found in this folder or another application is running that has the required files open. Please select another folder or try closing applications that may have files open.
Luckily I had backed up my email from what I think was Outlook Express 4 and was able to import it. My drive crashed on 4/22 and the new drive was installed on 4/23 with OE 6. When I imported my old messages, I mistakenly agreed to substiute the old dbx files for my new dbx files.
Problem: I can "see" my new dbx files listed in Windows Explorer but when I copy them to a "Recover" folder, I can't import them in OE 6 so I'm missing the messages that I had received in OE 6 between 4/23 and 5/10.
The error message from the OE6 import Wizard is:
"No messages can be found in this folder or another application is running that has the required files open. Please select another folder or try closing applications that may have files open.