I've seen this issue on at least 2 different LaserJet 8150. But what I can't imagine is it happening simultaniously on all your printers. From the information I know, and from talking to HP it's actually one of two items. And we need a little more info before I can tell you difinatively.
In the cases I am familiar with, the 8150's were set with static IP addresses. I was called out, only to find them "reset" and back to DHCP. After printing a configuration page, I noticed that the serial number, and page counts for the printer were alos at 0. Had it only been a jetdirect problem, the solution would have been to replace the network card. However, because the printer itself was also "reset" the problem was in fact the formatter board. There was some intermitancy that would cause it to reset the printer and jetdirect.
Seeing that all of your printers are effected by this, I would think more along the lines that the printers are set to DHCP. Also, as a question, the printers are NOT on a surge protector or battary backup device are they? I have seen many problems with HP's on surge protectors/Battaries.
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