I just configured and connected to the network 2 HP 3000 machines. After I connected the 2nd one, I am having difficulty logging in to a particular mapped drive on both machines. Until I connected the 2nd one, I had no trouble with the 1st one. I have other drives mapped on both machines and they work fine; it's just this one. The file server is a HP ML370G2 and it's running fine. When I open the program on the workstations I get a file paths not found, but when I look at the screen with the file paths the info is correct. I can "refresh" the locations by browsing to the target and clicking it. After that, I can log in normally. I haven't a clue. BTW, we are running XP SP3 on the workstations and WIN 2000 SP4 on the server.
I believe the same mapped drive is working OK on the old machines - but that may not be true. I'm at home now and I can't ask about it until tomorrow, but nobody complained either yesterday or today and they would have for sure so there is probably no problem there.
Thanks for any ideas.
I believe the same mapped drive is working OK on the old machines - but that may not be true. I'm at home now and I can't ask about it until tomorrow, but nobody complained either yesterday or today and they would have for sure so there is probably no problem there.
Thanks for any ideas.