An ongoing challenge with the Octel has always been to figure out a way to lose the original dialed digits so that you can get a call flow to a desired mailbox.
Two seperate Nortel pbx sites share one Octel 250. PBX 1 no octel, PBX 2 has octel.
Call inbound on ACDN 2222 with NCFW to CDP 3333 on pbx 1.
3333 is lead dn of Octel on pbx1 and octel has ecp box 2222.
A choice off of the menu sends calls to CDP 4444 which is DN on pbx 1.
4444 on Pbx 1 hunts and forwards to lead dn of the octel on pbx 1.
When call comes in , octel plays menu, choice 2 rings phone on pbx2, 4444 forwards to octel after 4 rings, and callers get the original menu again instead of 4444's greeting.
We tried tricks to lose the original DNIS that worked in the past, like transfer mailboxes in the mix and playing with transfer supervision and check for matching mailbox.
Any other ideas ?
Confusing I know...thanks for any ideas
Two seperate Nortel pbx sites share one Octel 250. PBX 1 no octel, PBX 2 has octel.
Call inbound on ACDN 2222 with NCFW to CDP 3333 on pbx 1.
3333 is lead dn of Octel on pbx1 and octel has ecp box 2222.
A choice off of the menu sends calls to CDP 4444 which is DN on pbx 1.
4444 on Pbx 1 hunts and forwards to lead dn of the octel on pbx 1.
When call comes in , octel plays menu, choice 2 rings phone on pbx2, 4444 forwards to octel after 4 rings, and callers get the original menu again instead of 4444's greeting.
We tried tricks to lose the original DNIS that worked in the past, like transfer mailboxes in the mix and playing with transfer supervision and check for matching mailbox.
Any other ideas ?
Confusing I know...thanks for any ideas