I have 25 computers mapped to a folder on a PC which has a back end database in it
It has been running like this for several months without a problem
But since yesterday I have had to go to each machine and re map the shared folder on the backend PC
3 more computers had to be remapped this morning.
One computer would not open the workgroup to connect to the coputer, it suggested that there was a permission problem, or computer being connected to has reached maximum no of connections
Has anyone seen this problem before and is there a solution.
It has been running like this for several months without a problem
But since yesterday I have had to go to each machine and re map the shared folder on the backend PC
3 more computers had to be remapped this morning.
One computer would not open the workgroup to connect to the coputer, it suggested that there was a permission problem, or computer being connected to has reached maximum no of connections
Has anyone seen this problem before and is there a solution.