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Looping thru a recordset in T-SQL

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Apr 23, 2007
OK, I started this problem last week going down a different road. Now I have two views, one with all of the data that I need including a rowID

RowID	study_participant_id	proc_labs_psa_date	proc_labs_psa_value	Phase	inidate
1	08800021	2008-07-02 00:00:00.000	1.44	BLN	2013-01-22 09:24:02.183
2	08800021	2008-10-13 00:00:00.000	1.30	BLN	2013-01-22 09:24:02.183
3	08800021	2009-02-09 00:00:00.000	1.20	FU	2013-01-22 09:24:02.183
4	08800021	2009-04-01 00:00:00.000	1.40	FU	2013-01-22 09:24:02.183
5	08800021	2009-07-01 00:00:00.000	1.43	FU	2013-01-22 09:24:02.183
6	08800021	2009-10-14 00:00:00.000	1.33	FU	2013-01-22 09:24:02.183
7	08800021	2009-12-15 00:00:00.000	2.01	FU	2013-01-22 09:24:02.183
8	08800021	2010-04-05 00:00:00.000	5.30	FU	2013-01-22 09:24:02.183
9	08800021	2010-07-05 00:00:00.000	1.60	FU	2013-01-22 09:24:02.183
10	08800021	2010-09-24 00:00:00.000	1.50	FU	2013-01-22 09:24:02.183
11	08800021	2010-12-29 00:00:00.000	1.40	FU	2013-01-22 09:24:02.183
12	08800021	2011-04-14 00:00:00.000	1.80	FU	2013-01-22 09:24:02.183
13	08800021	2011-06-24 00:00:00.000	1.60	FU	2013-01-22 09:24:02.183
14	08800021	2011-09-28 00:00:00.000	1.30	FU	2013-01-22 09:24:02.183
15	08800021	2011-12-16 00:00:00.000	1.90	FU	2013-01-22 09:24:02.183
16	08800021	2012-04-13 00:00:00.000	1.90	FU	2013-01-22 09:24:02.183
17	08800021	2012-08-08 00:00:00.000	1.90	FU	2013-01-22 09:24:02.183

and another that whittles this down to give me that ranges that I need

newrowid	Study_Participant_ID	highrow	lowrow
1	08800021	6	1
2	08800021	7	1
3	08800021	8	1
4	08800021	9	2
5	08800021	10	2
6	08800021	11	3
7	08800021	12	5
8	08800021	13	5
9	08800021	14	6
10	08800021	15	8
11	08800021	16	9
12	08800021	17	10
(Both of these views have many more rows, I have just shown the data for the first study_participant_id.)

Now I want to use the range and study_participant_id from the second view to get the PSA_Values from the first view. I
have tried variations on

DECLARE @newid int, @intRowCount int, @spid int, @hr int, @lr int
SELECT @newid = -1,  -- Smaller value than any real data
       @intRowCount = 1 -- Force first iteration
WHILE @intRowCount >= 1
    SELECT @newid = MIN(newrowid)
	FROM   [dbEDRN195].[dbo].[PSALimits]
    WHERE  newrowid > @newid
	group by Study_Participant_ID, highrow, lowrow
    SELECT @intRowCount = @@ROWCOUNT

    IF @intRowCount >= 1
	select * from dbEDRN195.dbo.PSADates_Values
	where study_participant_id=@spid
	and RowID >= @lr and RowID<=@hr


declare @newid int
declare @spid int
declare @hr int
declare @lr int

SELECT @newid=MIN(newrowid)
  FROM [dbEDRN195].[dbo].[PSALimits]
  group by Study_Participant_ID, highrow, lowrow
print @newid
print @hr
print @lr
WHILE @newid is not null
	select * from dbEDRN195.dbo.PSADates_Values
	where study_participant_id=@spid
	and RowID >= @lr and RowID<=@hr
	select @newid=MIN(newrowid) from dbEDRN195.dbo.psalimits where newrowid>@newid

but these both give me only the last record in the view. It is correct, but it is the last record and I want to get all of the sets. Below is teh output for both of these last two queries

RowID	study_participant_id	proc_labs_psa_date	proc_labs_psa_value	Phase	inidate
10	54500442	2010-10-11 00:00:00.000	7.70	BLN	2013-01-22 09:31:02.833
11	54500442	2011-05-16 00:00:00.000	8.90	BLN	2013-01-22 09:31:02.833
12	54500442	2011-08-22 00:00:00.000	8.00	BLN	2013-01-22 09:31:02.833
13	54500442	2012-02-10 00:00:00.000	8.05	BLN	2013-01-22 09:31:02.833
14	54500442	2012-08-16 00:00:00.000	9.90	BLN	2013-01-22 09:31:02.833
I apologize, but I still don't "get it".

Regardless, I have a query that I would like you to try. I think it might return the data you are looking for.

Select *
From   ViewNumber1
       Inner Join ViewNumber2
         On ViewNumber1.study_participant_id = ViewNumber2.study_participant_id
         And ViewNumber1.RowId Between ViewNumber2.LowRow And ViewNumber2.HighRow

In the code I show above, ViewNumber2 is the view that contains the HighRow and LowRow data. ViewNumber1 is the other view. You'll need to change them both to the actual view names.

Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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George, that was the first thing that I tried (sorry, I should have said that), but it does not give me the data that I need. To (hopefully) explain more fully a participant has a visit every (roughly) three months. At that visit their PSA value is recorded along with the date. Now, what I need to do is grab each date, go back 24 months and make sure there are at least 5 PSA values in that time frame (this is what view number 2 does). So, view number 1 has all of the data and view number 2 tells me what the breakdown for each set of data should be. So, this is where I stand right now.

Now, I have to use those upper and lower values (created rowids) to grab the actual PSA values for each range for each participant. I then need to do some calculations with those PSA values. I could do this in classic asp using ADO recordsets, but the way it is going to be used, creating a final view would be the most helpful route. So, what I want to get when I loop through each row in view number 2 (pulling data from view number 1) is

RowID	study_participant_id	proc_labs_psa_date	proc_labs_psa_value	Phase	inidate
10	08800021	2010-09-24 00:00:00.000	1.50	FU	2013-01-22 10:04:51.117
11	08800021	2010-12-29 00:00:00.000	1.40	FU	2013-01-22 10:04:51.117
12	08800021	2011-04-14 00:00:00.000	1.80	FU	2013-01-22 10:04:51.117
13	08800021	2011-06-24 00:00:00.000	1.60	FU	2013-01-22 10:04:51.117
14	08800021	2011-09-28 00:00:00.000	1.30	FU	2013-01-22 10:04:51.117
15	08800021	2011-12-16 00:00:00.000	1.90	FU	2013-01-22 10:04:51.117
16	08800021	2012-04-13 00:00:00.000	1.90	FU	2013-01-22 10:04:51.117
17	08800021	2012-08-08 00:00:00.000	1.90	FU	2013-01-22 10:04:51.117

I need a discreet set for 10-17 AND 9-16 AND 8-15 etc. Hey, do you think I could accomplish this by using a cte and partitioning the data by the rowid in view number 2?

declare @mrow int
declare @newid int
declare @spid int
declare @hr int
declare @lr int
declare @counter int
set @counter=1

SELECT @mrow=MAX(newrowid)
  FROM [dbEDRN195].[dbo].[PSALimits]
WHILE @counter<@mrow
SELECT @newid=MIN(newrowid)
  FROM [dbEDRN195].[dbo].[PSALimits]
  where newrowid=@counter
  group by Study_Participant_ID, highrow, lowrow

	select * from dbEDRN195.dbo.PSADates_Values
	where study_participant_id=@spid
	and RowID between @lr and @hr
	--select @newid=MIN(newrowid) from dbEDRN195.dbo.psalimits where newrowid>@newid
	set @counter = @counter+1

gives me the groupings that I am looking for, but it seems to be very slow.
unless I'm mistaken the sql you posted translates to the following

select * 
from dbEDRN195.dbo.PSADates_Values
inner join
select newrowid
      ,Study_Participant_ID as spid
      ,highrow as hr
      ,lowrow as lr
  FROM dbEDRN195.dbo.PSALimits
  where newrowid <= (select MAX(newrowid)
                       FROM dbEDRN195.dbo.PSALimits
  group by newrowid
) newid
on study_participant_id = spid
and RowId between lr and hr


Frederico Fonseca
SysSoft Integrated Ltd

Yes, that does give me the same results and much faster. Now, how would I step thru those as in an array without using a cursor inside T-SQL? This gives me (with some slight modifications) data in groupings (by participant id, and a ranked rowid). I then need to loop thru data from those groupings (psa date and value). I have done it in classic asp, but really would like to accomplish the task in a view for ease of use.
That was the issue, how to step thru a specified subset of data within T-SQL. In classic asp I took two comma delimited fields of values and placed them into arrays and the I stepped thru those arrays for my calculations. I could not see how to do this in T-SQL without using a loop and my data is ~5k rows with two fields that have 5-8 comma separated values that I placed into arrays and then loop thru, so I did not want to use cursors. IUn my web app I jsut did this

Dim strSQL, rsSQL, strSQL2, rsSQL2, pid, lr, hr, phase, psadate, psavalue, numvals, arrpsavals, arrpsadates
	dim tempCnt, fixedStartDate, psaLogValue, diffDate, slope, vNumerator, vDenominator, psaDoubleTime

	fixedStartDate = CDate("January 1, 1960")

	dim sumXY, sumX, sumY, sumXSq
	sumXY = 0
	sumX= 0
	sumY = 0
	sumXSq = 0

  strsql = "SELECT study_participant_id, lowrow, highrow FROM db.dbo.PSADTLimits where study_participant_id=08800021 order by study_participant_id, newrowid"
  Set rsSQL = RunWithRS(strSQL)

  if not rsSQL.BOF or not rsSQL.EOF then 
   while not rsSQL.EOF
    strSQL2 = "SELECT distinct pdv.study_participant_id, phase, cast(proc_labs_psa_date as DATE) as psadate, proc_labs_psa_value , pl.valueset, pd.dateset " & _
                "FROM db.dbo.PSADates_Values as pdv join (select distinct study_participant_id, substring ( stuff( " & _
                              "( " & _
                                "select ' , ' + cast(proc_labs_psa_value as varchar(max)) " & _
                                "from db.dbo.PSADates_Values " & _
                                "where study_participant_id = "&pid&" and RowID between "&lr&" and "&hr&" " & _
                                "order by proc_labs_psa_date " & _
                                "for xml path ('') ), " & _
                                "1 , " & _
                                "2 , " & _
                                "'') " & _
                                ", 2 , 1000 ) as valueset " & _
         "from db.dbo.PSADates_Values as results) as pl on pdv.study_participant_id=pl.study_participant_id " & _
        "join (select distinct study_participant_id, substring ( stuff( " & _
                                      "( " & _
                                        "select ' , ' + cast(cast(proc_labs_psa_date as date) as varchar(max)) " & _
                                        "from db.dbo.PSADates_Values " & _
                                "where study_participant_id = "&pid&" and RowID between "&lr&" and "&hr&" " & _
                                "order by proc_labs_psa_date " & _
                                "for xml path ('') ), " & _
                                "1 , " & _
                                "2 , " & _
                                "'') " & _
                                ", 2 , 1000 ) as dateset " & _
                 "from db.dbo.PSADates_Values as results) as pd on pdv.study_participant_id=pd.study_participant_id " & _
         "WHERE pdv.study_participant_id = " &pid& "and rowid= "&hr
    Set rsSQL2 = RunWithRS(strSQL2)

      if not rsSQL2.BOF or not rsSQL2.EOF then 
       while not rsSQL2.EOF

		For tempCnt = 0 To UBound(arrpsavals)

		  diffDate = DateDiff("d", fixedStartDate, arrpsadates(tempCnt))   '                          : X
		  psaLogValue = Log(arrpsavals(tempCnt))                         'natural log of PSA value  : Y

		  sumXY = sumXY + (diffDate * psaLogValue)
		  sumX = sumX + diffDate
		  sumY = sumY + psaLogValue
		  sumXSq = sumXSq + (diffDate * diffDate)


		vNumerator = (sumXY) - ((sumX * sumY) / numvals)
		vDenominator = (sumXSq) - ((sumX * sumX) / numvals)

		slope = vNumerator / vDenominator

        psaDoubleTime = (Log(2) / slope)/365.25

But that looping and the array was what I could not see clear how to do in T-SQL.
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