In a script I pick up the three latest articles to be shown on a newspage:
query = "select top 3 newsid,newsname,catid,newsdateadded,newsdescription,newsdoc1name from NMNewstbl where activated = true and newsexpiry > #"& date() &"# order by newsdateadded desc"
set rs = dataconn.Execute(query)[/blue]
These articles is executed by the following code:
if not rs.eof then
Response.Write "<br><TABLE WIDTH=30% align=center valign=top style="&tablestyle&" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=4>"
Response.Write "<tr><td colspan=2 width=100% bgcolor="& headerbgcolor&" valign=top><FONT face="&fontface&" size="& headerfontsize&" color="& headerfontcolor&">Rubriker</font></td></tr>"
do until rs.eof
Response.Write "<tr>"
Response.Write "<td width=80% valign=top><FONT face="&fontface&" size="&fontsize&" color="&fontcolor&"><i>"&rs(1)&" "&rs(3)&"</i><br>"&rs(4)&"<br><a href="""&weburl&"?dtype=4&catid="&rs(2)&"&recid="&rs(0)&""">...Läs mer</a></font><br><br></td></tr>"
Response.Write "</table>")[/blue]
This works very well, but now I want to show the three articles like a L in the table, like this:
[red]<table><tr><td>First article</td><tr>
<tr><td>Second article</td><td>Third article</td></tr>
Is there anyone who could give me a hint...?
In a script I pick up the three latest articles to be shown on a newspage:
query = "select top 3 newsid,newsname,catid,newsdateadded,newsdescription,newsdoc1name from NMNewstbl where activated = true and newsexpiry > #"& date() &"# order by newsdateadded desc"
set rs = dataconn.Execute(query)[/blue]
These articles is executed by the following code:
if not rs.eof then
Response.Write "<br><TABLE WIDTH=30% align=center valign=top style="&tablestyle&" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=4>"
Response.Write "<tr><td colspan=2 width=100% bgcolor="& headerbgcolor&" valign=top><FONT face="&fontface&" size="& headerfontsize&" color="& headerfontcolor&">Rubriker</font></td></tr>"
do until rs.eof
Response.Write "<tr>"
Response.Write "<td width=80% valign=top><FONT face="&fontface&" size="&fontsize&" color="&fontcolor&"><i>"&rs(1)&" "&rs(3)&"</i><br>"&rs(4)&"<br><a href="""&weburl&"?dtype=4&catid="&rs(2)&"&recid="&rs(0)&""">...Läs mer</a></font><br><br></td></tr>"
Response.Write "</table>")[/blue]
This works very well, but now I want to show the three articles like a L in the table, like this:
[red]<table><tr><td>First article</td><tr>
<tr><td>Second article</td><td>Third article</td></tr>
Is there anyone who could give me a hint...?