I tested the performance of the loop and the result<br>was as below:<br><br>Test each case with 100,000 repetitions:<br><br> Dim i as Long<br> Dim m as Boolean<br><br> m = True<br> For i = 1 to 100000<br> If m = True Then ' 30 milliseconds<br> End If<br><br> If m Then ' 20 milliseconds<br> End If<br><br> If m = False Then ' 30 milliseconds<br> End If <br><br> If Not m Then ' 20 milliseconds<br> End If<br><br> If m = True Then ' 30 milliseconds<br> Else<br> End If<br><br> If m Then ' 20 milliseconds<br> Else<br> End If<br><br> If m = False Then ' 30 milliseconds<br> Else<br> End If<br><br> If Not m Then ' 30 milliseconds<br> Else<br> End If<br><br> Select Case m ' between 40 - 50 milliseconds<br> Case True<br> Case False<br> End Select<br><br> Next<br><br>What do you think when we should use each type<br>of the loop? I was told Select Case was faster <br>but it was not in this case with 100,000 repetitions.<br>Thank you. <br><br><br><br>