Overall, this is a basic SQL and updating a Crystal Report. The user just enters free form data (no data is being pulled from JobBOSS) on the Filter Screen(PO number- Pack List – Part Cust Number – Total Qty- MAX Qty – Part Revision, etc).
The key is the Total Qty is divided by the MAX Qty that then equates to the Quantities per Label and the printing the correct number of Labels.
I’m stuck at getting the Loop to function (starts at line 73 on the rpt.htm) and just need a new set of eyes to see my error. I was able to get this formula and loop to function if I was pulling data from JobBOSS and it calculates the qty’s per label and the number of labels perfectly. But with the data now being Free Form, I can’t seem to get it to loop and print the required labels.
Function LoadReport()
' Read Cookies from Filter
NumOfLabels = CInt(GetCookieValue("NumOfLabels"))
LabelsUsed = CInt(GetCookieValue("LabelsUsed"))
TotQty = GetCookieValue("TOTQty")
MAXQty = GetCookieValue("MAXQty")
PO = GetCookieValue("PO")
Pklist = GetCookieValue("PKList")
Cust = GetCookieValue("Cust")
Rev = GetCookieValue("Rev")
Comments = GetCookieValue("Comments")
' Expire Cookies
document.cookie = "NumOfLabels=;" & sExpCookie
document.cookie = "LabelsUsed=;" & sExpCookie
document.cookie = "TOTQty=;" & sExpCookie
document.cookie = "MAXQty=;" & sExpCookie
document.cookie = "PO=;" & sExpCookie
document.cookie = "Pklist=;" & sExpCookie
document.cookie = "Cust=;" & sExpCookie
document.cookie = "Rev=;" & sExpCookie
document.cookie = "Comments=;" & sExpCookie
' Open Report
OpenReport "SH_Labels_PartFM.rpt"
' Clear Out Report
' ' Fill Recordset Final
' FillPartBlankRecords
' While math.ceil((TotQty) / (MAXQty)) <>1 ' this is a potential infinite loop? i.e 10/5 <>1 will always be true (go on forever)
For i = 1 To math.ceil((TotQty) / (MAXQty)) ' this is another loop inside the While loop - for i = 1 to 10/5 (i.e. for 1 to 2 e.g. 2 times loop and do something)
' tell report what orientation it is
Set oFormulaFields = oRpt.FormulaFields
For j = 1 To oFormulaFields.Count
Set FirstFormula = oFormulaFields.Item(j)
If UCase(FirstFormula.Name) = "{@GETPO}" Then FirstFormula.Text = "'"& PO &"'"
If UCase(FirstFormula.Name) = "{@GETPACKLIST}" Then FirstFormula.Text = "'"& Pklist &"'"
If UCase(FirstFormula.Name) = "{@GETCUST}" Then FirstFormula.Text = "'"& Cust &"'"
If UCase(FirstFormula.Name) = "{@GETREV}" Then FirstFormula.Text = "'"& Rev &"'"
If UCase(FirstFormula.Name) = "{@GETTOTQTY}" Then FirstFormula.Text = "'"& TOTQTY &"'"
If UCase(FirstFormula.Name) = "{@GETMAXQTY}" Then FirstFormula.Text = "'"& MAXQTY &"'"
If UCase(FirstFormula.Name) = "{@GETCOMMENTS}" Then FirstFormula.Text = "'"& Comments &"'"
If UCase(FirstFormula.Name) = "{@GETBOXQTY}" Then FirstFormula.Text = "'"& BoxQty &"'"
End Function
The key is the Total Qty is divided by the MAX Qty that then equates to the Quantities per Label and the printing the correct number of Labels.
I’m stuck at getting the Loop to function (starts at line 73 on the rpt.htm) and just need a new set of eyes to see my error. I was able to get this formula and loop to function if I was pulling data from JobBOSS and it calculates the qty’s per label and the number of labels perfectly. But with the data now being Free Form, I can’t seem to get it to loop and print the required labels.
Function LoadReport()
' Read Cookies from Filter
NumOfLabels = CInt(GetCookieValue("NumOfLabels"))
LabelsUsed = CInt(GetCookieValue("LabelsUsed"))
TotQty = GetCookieValue("TOTQty")
MAXQty = GetCookieValue("MAXQty")
PO = GetCookieValue("PO")
Pklist = GetCookieValue("PKList")
Cust = GetCookieValue("Cust")
Rev = GetCookieValue("Rev")
Comments = GetCookieValue("Comments")
' Expire Cookies
document.cookie = "NumOfLabels=;" & sExpCookie
document.cookie = "LabelsUsed=;" & sExpCookie
document.cookie = "TOTQty=;" & sExpCookie
document.cookie = "MAXQty=;" & sExpCookie
document.cookie = "PO=;" & sExpCookie
document.cookie = "Pklist=;" & sExpCookie
document.cookie = "Cust=;" & sExpCookie
document.cookie = "Rev=;" & sExpCookie
document.cookie = "Comments=;" & sExpCookie
' Open Report
OpenReport "SH_Labels_PartFM.rpt"
' Clear Out Report
' ' Fill Recordset Final
' FillPartBlankRecords
' While math.ceil((TotQty) / (MAXQty)) <>1 ' this is a potential infinite loop? i.e 10/5 <>1 will always be true (go on forever)
For i = 1 To math.ceil((TotQty) / (MAXQty)) ' this is another loop inside the While loop - for i = 1 to 10/5 (i.e. for 1 to 2 e.g. 2 times loop and do something)
' tell report what orientation it is
Set oFormulaFields = oRpt.FormulaFields
For j = 1 To oFormulaFields.Count
Set FirstFormula = oFormulaFields.Item(j)
If UCase(FirstFormula.Name) = "{@GETPO}" Then FirstFormula.Text = "'"& PO &"'"
If UCase(FirstFormula.Name) = "{@GETPACKLIST}" Then FirstFormula.Text = "'"& Pklist &"'"
If UCase(FirstFormula.Name) = "{@GETCUST}" Then FirstFormula.Text = "'"& Cust &"'"
If UCase(FirstFormula.Name) = "{@GETREV}" Then FirstFormula.Text = "'"& Rev &"'"
If UCase(FirstFormula.Name) = "{@GETTOTQTY}" Then FirstFormula.Text = "'"& TOTQTY &"'"
If UCase(FirstFormula.Name) = "{@GETMAXQTY}" Then FirstFormula.Text = "'"& MAXQTY &"'"
If UCase(FirstFormula.Name) = "{@GETCOMMENTS}" Then FirstFormula.Text = "'"& Comments &"'"
If UCase(FirstFormula.Name) = "{@GETBOXQTY}" Then FirstFormula.Text = "'"& BoxQty &"'"
End Function