I am trying to add multiple records to tblBottle in an unbound form. The records are added at one time when btnAddMultiRecords_Click(). I am very new to loops.
I receive one kit which can contain 1 to 12 bottles with randon non-sequential numbers. I created 12 unbound fields with a name of txtBottle1 ... txtBottle12. For this example: I received Kit# 22, and it contains 3 bottles with numbers: 11, 78, 39. I entered 22 in KitNum, 3 in txtBottlesReceived, and 11,78, 39 in txtBottle1, 2, and 3
This is what tblBottle looked like after running my code
AutoID, KitNum, BottleNum
1, 22, 39
2, 22, 39
3, 22, 39
It looped the correct number of times, but I do not see what I did wrong in the loop so that the last entry is what always appears in BottleNum.
Here is my code
Thank you for any advice.
I receive one kit which can contain 1 to 12 bottles with randon non-sequential numbers. I created 12 unbound fields with a name of txtBottle1 ... txtBottle12. For this example: I received Kit# 22, and it contains 3 bottles with numbers: 11, 78, 39. I entered 22 in KitNum, 3 in txtBottlesReceived, and 11,78, 39 in txtBottle1, 2, and 3
This is what tblBottle looked like after running my code
AutoID, KitNum, BottleNum
1, 22, 39
2, 22, 39
3, 22, 39
It looped the correct number of times, but I do not see what I did wrong in the loop so that the last entry is what always appears in BottleNum.
Here is my code
Option Compare Database
' Add Multi Bottles on click
Private Sub btnAddMultiRecords_Click()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim i As Integer
Dim regNumber As Integer
Dim strControlName As String
On Error GoTo HandleError
regNumber = Me.txtBottlesReceived
strControlName = "txtBottle"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblBottle")
For i = 1 To regNumber
With rs
![KitNum] = Me.KitNum
![BottleNum] = Me.Controls(strControlName & regNumber).Value
End With
Next i
Set rs = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume ExitHere
End Sub
Thank you for any advice.