Looking for suggestions and direction to explore with WEB based application for Auto industry hosting vehicles for sale with daily polling. I will research all serious replies.
Obviously graphics support with photos is a neccessity...
this probably wasn't the best place to post this message if you wanted objective replies. i think most of the people in here are slightly biased to tell you that apache is the best solution. but...
i guess your choice of webserver depends upon what exactly you are wanting to do.
if you're looking to use a lot of asp and activex/com objects... i'd say iis is the way to go.
or if you are going to be using perl, php, and the such, i would suggest you go with apache.
Apache is a good choice if you want complete flexibility, and if you are using a Linux or Unix server. IIS still rules for Win32 servers, though. (that might change with Apache 2.0, coming soon)
No matter which web server you choose, I think the next--or possibly even most--important decision is which server-side language you want to program in.
ASP is a little flexible in this regard, letting you choose between VBscript, VB, Jscript, even Javascript, as I understand.
PHP has some interesting advantages, though.
1. It is perhaps the most evenly cross-platform solution I have seen yet. You can write code on a Windows98 box and deploy it on a Unix server, or even a mainframe, if it runs one of the fairly standard Unix operating systems.
2. It works with more web servers than any other scripting language. (IIS, Apache, Netscape, thttpd, xitami, etc...)
3. PHP supports more third-party software than any other web scripting language except Perl (browse CPAN if you don't believe me).
4. PHP comes with complete source code, so you can recompile it anytime, with different options depending on your needs, and PHP freely encourages you to write your own extensions if you need customization.
that speeds up performance dramatically, and they are working on a compiler and a caching system for server clusters.
And, not to knock Perl... Perl can do anything any of the other scripting languages can do, and anything else you might be able to imagine, but it takes a little more work, maybe even a special kind of mindset ;-). Perl is a general-purpose language, not just a server-scripting language and there are some serious questions about performance on high-traffic servers.
you might want to look at your requirements before you pick what language you want to use. your requirements may force you to pick a certain language, and once you know what you need to support, you can see what webserver/platform you will need. adam@aauser.com
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