I have nearly finished my first web site that is completely done in Flash. I would very much like your comments and some help.
The site is on:
Once you have looked at the site you will understand the help I am after: When you pick up the items in the jungle, I want them to be automatically filled in on the contact form. i.e in the tick boxes.
I understand that I must insert variables into the items, but don't know how to make it all work. Please help.
I have nearly finished my first web site that is completely done in Flash. I would very much like your comments and some help.
The site is on:
Once you have looked at the site you will understand the help I am after: When you pick up the items in the jungle, I want them to be automatically filled in on the contact form. i.e in the tick boxes.
I understand that I must insert variables into the items, but don't know how to make it all work. Please help.