I'm taking an existing ARN and switching it from a Frame and reconnecting to the frame through a point to point connection. Location "A" is where the ARN is and I need to connect to the frame through location "B". Location B is running on the frame now with a ARN. I had trouble getting the ARN at Location B to work with a second serial interface to the point to point, so I installed a extra ANH I had on the shelf at location B to handle the traffic from Location A. The problem is I can get the routers to see each other but I can't see the LAN at location B from location A. I also can't see beyond the router at location B when pinging from location A. When setting up the interfaces I just use RIP2 and TCP/IP on both routers "A" & "B". We use Static IP and I have those setup to what I was use to when connecting to the Frame. Not using Adjacent hosts because my point to point doesn't have DLCI assignments. ANY ADVICE!