I have been looking on the web and am finding it difficult to find an OS comparison is both objective (not sponsored by Microsoft or written by somebody rabidly ant-Microsoft) and that gives valid metrics (e.g.; when Unix is described as more scalable what exactly were the criteria used? and can one read them?)
Not interested in what people feel about systems more what I can prove.
I'm looking for something reasonably professional but free. I believe Gartner group did a piece in 2000 on Windows vs Unix, but can't find it anywhere
I have been looking on the web and am finding it difficult to find an OS comparison is both objective (not sponsored by Microsoft or written by somebody rabidly ant-Microsoft) and that gives valid metrics (e.g.; when Unix is described as more scalable what exactly were the criteria used? and can one read them?)
Not interested in what people feel about systems more what I can prove.
I'm looking for something reasonably professional but free. I believe Gartner group did a piece in 2000 on Windows vs Unix, but can't find it anywhere