I copied and renamed an access file so I have a way to play with making new reports etc.
I am playing around with a loop as seen below however I get an error:
Run-Time error '3024'
Cannot find file.... the original file name and loacation
How do you change the reference to look in the new location and name?
I am playing around with a loop as seen below however I get an error:
Run-Time error '3024'
Cannot find file.... the original file name and loacation
How do you change the reference to look in the new location and name?
Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim objRecordset As Recordset
Dim lstUsers
Set objRecordset = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select Name, count(*) as QTY from qa.task_list a, qa.req_desc b, qa.employee_list c where a.PROJECT_NUMBER = b.PROJECT_NUM and a.tester = c.userid and job_num = 9595 group by name order by count(*) desc")
Do While Not objRecordset.EOF
lst_users = lst_users & objRecordset.Fields("Name") & Chr(10) & Chr(13)
MsgBox lst_users
End Sub