I'm looking for a good script that will do pop-up hierarchical menus, in the style of Webreference's HierMenus script:
I'm not crazy about the actions that WebReference has been taking lately -- they completely changed the licensing for this script, changing it from a free download to a pay-per-use license, without notifying anyone, and applied that retroactively to all previous versions in such a way to make it look like it's always been that way. Not a good way to build positive business relationships.
But enough of my rant... my needs for the new script are this:
[ul][li]The script must be free or low-cost for commercial use[/li]
[li]The script must be easy to implement and maintain[/li]
[li]The script must write only valid XHTML and CSS markup[/li]
[li]Finally, once these are accomplished, the script must work in as many browsers as possible -- IE5+ and Netscape6/Mozilla are a must, and IE4, NS4, Opera are all preferred.[/li]
Any suggestions?
I'm not crazy about the actions that WebReference has been taking lately -- they completely changed the licensing for this script, changing it from a free download to a pay-per-use license, without notifying anyone, and applied that retroactively to all previous versions in such a way to make it look like it's always been that way. Not a good way to build positive business relationships.
But enough of my rant... my needs for the new script are this:
[ul][li]The script must be free or low-cost for commercial use[/li]
[li]The script must be easy to implement and maintain[/li]
[li]The script must write only valid XHTML and CSS markup[/li]
[li]Finally, once these are accomplished, the script must work in as many browsers as possible -- IE5+ and Netscape6/Mozilla are a must, and IE4, NS4, Opera are all preferred.[/li]
Any suggestions?