I've got a little webserver on my lan running with Linux, MySQL, Apache and PHP to have a dev platform that matches the one of my client. But I don't know much about Linux yet.
I got the file upload functional and the last thing that needed to be done for this was to change the directory permission settings.
In Linux Mandrake there is this permission panel for a directory or file like the following and it show my current settings that enabled the upload as well:
show write enter special
User [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]set UID
Group [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]set GID
Others [x] [x] [x] [ ]sticky
User [root]
Group [root]
Nice to have the upload working, but actually, concerning security I don't know what I'm doing. Can anyone tell
how this affects the security of the site (maybe even the providers system!), and also tell what could happen and what would be best to do?
I got the file upload functional and the last thing that needed to be done for this was to change the directory permission settings.
In Linux Mandrake there is this permission panel for a directory or file like the following and it show my current settings that enabled the upload as well:
show write enter special
User [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]set UID
Group [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]set GID
Others [x] [x] [x] [ ]sticky
User [root]
Group [root]
Nice to have the upload working, but actually, concerning security I don't know what I'm doing. Can anyone tell
how this affects the security of the site (maybe even the providers system!), and also tell what could happen and what would be best to do?