I have a table with one of the field [DATE] defined as "Date/Time" data type with format: "Short Date" and default value Now(). I'm adding records with sql Insert command:
"Insert into NWRKORDR([CUST_ID]) Values('" & str_CUST_ID & "');" - CUST_ID field is only required.
Why records added with insert command, have field [DATE] with long type of date in this field, when records added with form have short date?? - there is a form with record nav. bar where with asterix you can add new records.
"Insert into NWRKORDR([CUST_ID]) Values('" & str_CUST_ID & "');" - CUST_ID field is only required.
Why records added with insert command, have field [DATE] with long type of date in this field, when records added with form have short date?? - there is a form with record nav. bar where with asterix you can add new records.