I'm trying to impersonate a user so that I can get a listing of printers that are available on a web server. My code is:
The LogonUser function returns false every time. An asp page will call this (actually this is just a test, I have a print engine written that will incorporate this functionality), so it can then in turn fire off a procedure that will print to a pre-specified printer that will be available on the server through a network. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! I'm pulling my hair out!
Thanks, Brinson
Public Sub Logon(ByVal strAdminUser As String, ByVal strAdminPassword As String, ByVal strAdminDomain As String)
Dim lngTokenHandle, lngLogonType, lngLogonProvider As Long
Dim blnResult As Boolean
WriteToLog ("Logging on...")
blnResult = RevertToSelf()
blnResult = LogonUser(strAdminUser, strAdminDomain, strAdminPassword, lngLogonType, lngLogonProvider, lngTokenHandle)
WriteToLog ("LogonUser executed... result = " & blnResult)
blnResult = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(lngTokenHandle)
WriteToLog ("Impersonate executed... result = " & blnResult)
End Sub
Public Sub Logoff()
Dim blnResult As Boolean
blnResult = RevertToSelf()
WriteToLog ("Logoff executed... result = " & blnResult)
End Sub
Public Function PrintTest() As Boolean
Dim blnFoundPrinter As Boolean
blnFoundPrinter = False
WriteToLog ("Finding printers...")
strChosenPrinter = "HP LaserJet 4050 Series PCL"
'strChosenPrinter = "Win2PDF"
i = 0
For Each prnAvailPrinter In Printers
WriteToLog "Printer Device: " & prnAvailPrinter.DeviceName
If prnAvailPrinter.DeviceName = strChosenPrinter Then
Set Printer = Printers(i)
WriteToLog "Printer found: " & Printer.DeviceName
blnFoundPrinter = True
Exit For
End If
i = i + 1
PrintTest = blnFoundPrinter
End Function
Public Sub WriteToLog(strText As String)
Open App.Path & "\peLog.txt" For Append As #1
Write #1, "[" & Now & "] " + strText
Close #1
End Sub
The LogonUser function returns false every time. An asp page will call this (actually this is just a test, I have a print engine written that will incorporate this functionality), so it can then in turn fire off a procedure that will print to a pre-specified printer that will be available on the server through a network. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! I'm pulling my hair out!
Thanks, Brinson